Maasai warriors to run London Marathon without water.: As part of a campaign to raise money to find a vital water source for their village in Tanzania, six Maasai warriors will run in traditional dress -- a red "shuka" blanket toga and car-tire sandals -- carrying spears and shields showing their running numbers, and will sing and dance along the 26.2 mile route through the British capital. "Back at home we sometimes run for 5 or 6 days, day and night," Isaya, a young warrior told Reuters in an interview. "Twenty-six miles not far."
posted by worldcup2002 to extreme at 04:58 PM - 4 comments
Yeah, the marathon thing sounds pretty secondary. I too wish them all the wet luck in the world.
posted by chicobangs at 11:49 AM on April 09, 2008
There aren't too many tougher than the Maasai. Theyll do fine in the marathon, and I hope will get the taps turned on in their quest for water.
posted by Howard_T at 12:34 PM on April 09, 2008
I can do nothing but echo the prior sentiments.
posted by budman13 at 06:55 PM on April 09, 2008
I wish them all the luck in the world on not only completing the marathon, but on reaching a reliable water source. I hope the westerners will notice what they are doing and give these young men all the support they deserve for their undertaking. Furthermore, reading this article reminds me of how easy life is here in the states. I live in the freakin desert, but never have to do more than turn a handle to get water or go to the market to buy whatever food I want. These guys watch two-thirds of their children die before they are five. Godspeed, fellas.