New NHLPA head "the right guy to lead us": Some of the NHL's most powerful agents got their first real glimpse of the new executive director of the NHL Players' Association yesterday, and they liked what they saw.
posted by tommytrump to business and law at 01:57 PM - 13 comments
The way this topic has lit up the board begs the question: How many links have you posted? When does hockey season begin? April 9, 2008.
posted by tommybiden at 07:34 PM on April 01, 2008
By virtue of the fact that you and I are the only ones who have commented here, I believe my assertion is backed up. How many links have you posted? I am an admitted and unabashed non-linker. As far as I can tell, it's not a requirement of membership. I meant nothing personal by it, tommy. It was more a comment on the lack of attention that hockey sometimes gets. And in regards to my inquiry as to the start of NHL hockey, that was a joke. I do that to entertain myself. I don't post links for fear of becoming personally attached to the subject matter.
posted by THX-1138 at 10:39 AM on April 02, 2008
I think this is really more of an email dicussion in my opinion, and I would have taken it there immediately, but you don't provide an address, so I had no option but to discuss it here. The number of replies to a post do not necessarily determine its worth, or interest in the subject matter. So far as I know, linking is not a requirement of membership. I am not personally attached to the subject matter, if that is what you were inferring.
posted by tommybiden at 12:47 PM on April 02, 2008
tommy, I think you misunderstand what I was getting at. I was originally making a joke. I thought it funny that hockey doesn't seem to get much attention and that was being reflected in the lack of discussion occuring here. I was in no way weighing the merit or worth of the subject matter. It is more a comment on the state of hockey in societies consciousness. The Stanley Cup thread is another example of hockey's lack of visibility, or at least public attention. That does not mean that hockey is bad or not worthy of existence. It does, however, mean that hockey has a serious public relations problem. I also wasn't inferring anything about you. I was speaking of myself, as should have been reflected in my statement.
posted by THX-1138 at 01:55 PM on April 02, 2008
Well, hey. I think it's time to join in here. I, like many others here, am a huge hockey fan. I think there is a greater concentration of pucks fans here than we see (those of us in the contiguous 50, anyway) most places. As a huge fan, I can sometimes be a little defensive about the great sport. While tt's post was interesting and informative, it just didn't bring about a hell of a lot of discussion. That happens sometimes, whether due to lack of interest, a heated debate elsewhere, or in many cases (including, I think, this one), the lack of controversy surrounding the subject matter. It's the kind of post that makes you say, "o.k., cool." and then move on to join the fracis surrounding six year olds whaling on each other for our amusement. Then, of couse, ubersmartass THX addresses the lack of posts in his own particular.... ...idiom sir?... ...yes, yes idiom. It could be taken as questioning the validity of the fpp, although it didn't strike me as that. More as commenting on most Americans' interest in hockey. There are many of us who read the fpp, just didn't have any comment on it (although I was thinking "post when Bettman's gone and we'll throw an intercontinental toast to his dismissal!", but definitely found it worth reading. And sometimes the chirping of the crickets is in itself worth comment...and then there's bored idiots who ramble...
posted by tahoemoj at 04:57 PM on April 02, 2008
Well could the hockey fans do me favor and speak up every now and again? I mean, gee whiz, I sure looked like an ass. (joking about the first part. not the second.) It also come to mind that I could be accused of thread pissing. I assure all that it was not my intent. Sometimes I like to try to express a thought in the vaguest way possible. In my head I'm thinking that my style gets people to think, whereas I'm actually just coming across as an asshole. I believe it's time for this idiot to ramble on someplace else.
posted by THX-1138 at 09:31 PM on April 02, 2008
For the record, I was referring to myself with the ramblin' idiot crack, but hey, there's always one more seat on the short bus, I suppose. Wanna gummy bear? They've been in my pocket all day so they're nice and soft.
posted by tahoemoj at 10:56 AM on April 03, 2008
Nah, I'm good. I got my tater-tots.
posted by THX-1138 at 12:10 PM on April 03, 2008
Sorry, TT. I would've commented earlier on both of the hockey posts but I've been away from the computer for a few days here. What Tahoe said. Keep posting the hockey links, TT, the real season is getting set to start!
posted by BoKnows at 01:15 PM on April 03, 2008
From my understanding, it should be around April 9th. Jeez I'm an ass.
posted by THX-1138 at 02:41 PM on April 03, 2008
THX, have you seen a doctor about your condition? It seems almost uncontrollable at times. I'm starting to feel sorry for you. (just a little ribbing, that's all))
posted by BoKnows at 03:53 PM on April 03, 2008
I think Kelly brings a great deal of balance between the players and the NHL. It will be interesting to find out more about his policies concerning rookies entering the league and for former players who may not have been as wise with their earnings. Obviously the older guys weren't making the money the younger ones are, and probably only a fraction of what their contemporaries made in the other leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB). Perhaps he could also be the man to head off the disaster that a strike would, and has, caused the NHL. Which, not coincidentally, is where a lot of the problem still lies with hockey's return to it's former good graces in the U.S.
posted by THX-1138 at 05:05 PM on April 03, 2008
The way this topic has lit up the board begs the question: When does hockey season begin?