Stanley Cup Finals: Ten things to know about Anaheim : Everyone in hockey says teams have to pay the price to get to the Stanley Cup Finals.
posted by commander cody to hockey at 02:26 AM - 29 comments
here's the same story about the Sens. And the point brought up about the conditional first-rounder is an interesting one. It could hurt them if a once-in-a-lifetime player is up for that pick, but if not, considering how much he praises the Ducks' farm system, I wouldn't be too worried about that.
posted by boredom_08 at 08:39 AM on May 27, 2007
The Commander is right;the Wings absence is the central fact. I was discussing the playoffs with an old fan yesterday and he noted the repeated absence of the original six. Only Detroit has made appearances. I wonder if expansion has diluted the talent base?
posted by sickleguy at 09:27 AM on May 27, 2007
I wonder if expansion has diluted the talent base? No. Before expansion the talent base was primarily from Canada. Now the talent base is Earth, a much bigger source for talent.
posted by GOD at 09:54 AM on May 27, 2007
Ducks in 6. If the NJ Devils have taught us anything over the last 10 years, it's that defense wins championships. Pronger and Niedermayer are the best one two punch since Stevens and Niedermayer. Anybody notice Pronger's got a small head and a big body,..kinda like a Doberman.
posted by MGDADDYO at 10:37 AM on May 27, 2007
There are 27 other teams than the Wings that aren't in the Finals this year. How about some grace in defeat, Wings fans?
posted by qbert72 at 10:51 AM on May 27, 2007
I wonder if expansion has diluted the talent base? I wonder if expansion has made the original six fat, lazy, complacent and arrogant? Like the Leaves?
posted by rumple at 12:08 PM on May 27, 2007
I was discussing the playoffs with an old fan yesterday and he noted the repeated absence of the original six. Only Detroit has made appearances. I wonder if expansion has diluted the talent base? I would just like to point out here that the NHL's Original Four included the Ottawa Senators, who actually won the first Stanley Cup contested exclusively between NHL teams. And today's Ottawa Senators seem to be doing fine, despite having an extra twenty-six teams in the league. My argument here is ridiculous, but so was any point you were trying to make there.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:28 PM on May 27, 2007
And the original Senators had pretty sweet sweaters.
posted by apoch at 01:01 PM on May 27, 2007
The Commander is right;the Wings absence is the central fact. I was discussing the playoffs with an old fan yesterday and he noted the repeated absence of the original six. Only Detroit has made appearances. I wonder if expansion has diluted the talent base? How is the Wings absence the central fact? I find that to be a very peculiar statement with no possible basis in fact. As far as the Detroit Red Wings being the only ''Original Six'' team to make appearances, that's not true either. Since the first major expansion (1967) the Montreal Canadiens have 11 appearances and 10! TEN! that's not a misprint, 10! Stanley Cup Championships. The Boston Bruins have been there 7 times with 2 Stanley Cups. The New York Rangers have been 3 times with 1 Stanley Cup. The Chicago Blackhawks have 3 appearances in the Stanley Cup Final with no championships. The only ''Original Six'' team not to have at least made it to the Final since '67 is unfortunately (personal bias), the Toronto Maple Leafs. That is a total of 24 out of 80 possible appearances (30%) and 13 of 40 (32.5%) championships. Considering the number of teams in the league and the fact that one of the ''Original Six'' teams has zero representation, I'd say those are pretty decent percentages. The Detroit Red Wings have been in the final 4 times since expansion, with 3 Stanley Cups. That hardly makes them the flagship franchise of the "Original Six". Go Sens Go! I figure first things first, have a team in Ontario win the Cup, then maybe through osmosis, the Leafs might figure it out.
posted by tommybiden at 01:14 PM on May 27, 2007
Wasn't it bad enough that the Stanley Cup was hoisted two times in a row in the Confederacy? Now it may be going to DisneyLand! Please! Ottawa Senators, bring the Cup back to Canada where it belongs.
posted by baldpuck at 06:01 PM on May 27, 2007
Wasn't it bad enough that the Stanley Cup was hoisted two times in a row in the Confederacy? Now it may be going to DisneyLand! Please! Ottawa Senators, bring the Cup back to Canada where it belongs. I'll be rooting on the Sens, but it'll be funny if the Ducks win.
posted by NoMich at 07:53 PM on May 27, 2007
I don't get this bring the cup to Canada business. Anaheim has more Canadian players than Ottawa. Carolina had more Canadians than Edmonton. Tampa had more Canadians than Calgary. The cup will spend more time in Canada if the American team wins, won't it?
posted by fabulon7 at 10:05 PM on May 27, 2007
I'll play Captain Obvious and say that I'm positive they mean for the organization and the fans.
posted by igottheblues at 10:09 PM on May 27, 2007
How about some grace in defeat, Wings fans? As a Wings Fan I would say we'd show a bit more grace in defeat........if we were used to it.
posted by commander cody at 12:52 AM on May 28, 2007
You think the 41 year drought between 54-55 and 96-97 would have been enough of a lesson. Or maybe losing to an eighth seed just last year. The 10 Red Wing Stanley Cups are not equivalent to the 26 Yankee championships and even the Yanks aren't entitled to their sense of entitlement and arrogant superiority.
posted by apoch at 07:31 AM on May 28, 2007
How about some grace in defeat, Wings fans? As a Wings Fan I would say we'd show a bit more grace in defeat........if we were used to it. I'm a Red Wings fan, but considering their flameouts over the past few years, we should be well used to it by now.
posted by jmd82 at 10:14 AM on May 28, 2007
Hey, kudos to the Wings and their fans for being the best performing orginal six team in the last 15 years. But, "judos" to the same for whatever weirdo smugness that has developed because of it. Remember kids, when I was growing up and for the first freaking decade (and more) of Stevie Y's career you were the Dead Things. P.S. The kudos vs. judos is MINE. And I love it.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:52 AM on May 28, 2007
posted by The_Black_Hand at 12:13 PM on May 28, 2007
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:18 PM on May 28, 2007
I'm rather suprised by the lack of class shown by some of the Wings fans here on SpoFi. Seeing as the Wings haven't won a Cup since 2002 and have done rather poorly in the playoffs since then. Give credit where credit is due. The Ducks are Western Conference Champions and judging by game one, the finals should turn out to be an excellent series, even without the Red Wings.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 08:46 AM on May 29, 2007
A "10 Things To Know About Anaheim" doesn't mention Andy McDonald even when they're discussing his own line. Maybe he'll get some recognition when he wins the Conn Smyth. Or maybe he'll be overlooked there, too. Sigh.
posted by The Crafty Sousepaw at 09:48 AM on May 29, 2007
Andy Macdonald for the Connie Smythe, really? I haven't seen all the Ducks games, but they have at least 5 players more likely to get it than him. Hell, all 3 members of their checking line are better candidates, if you ask me.
posted by qbert72 at 10:39 AM on May 29, 2007
posted by mkn at 01:44 PM on May 29, 2007
Qbert, why would you need to see all the Ducks' games to realize that he's the best man on the ice? Really, if you saw him in college, as I did, maybe you would change your thinking.
posted by The Crafty Sousepaw at 02:21 PM on May 29, 2007
Actually, it's "you." Still, hell of an effort.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:25 PM on May 29, 2007
That's interesting, thanks for the advice.
posted by The Crafty Sousepaw at 04:49 PM on May 29, 2007
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:01 PM on May 29, 2007
You freakin' idiom.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:17 AM on May 30, 2007
As far as I'm concerned the number one thing any hockey fan needs to know about this years Stanley Cup Finals is the the Detroit Red Wings aren't in it. Still, for the rest of you hockey fans....have at it.