Maradona back in hospital: Just two days after his stay in hospital Diego Maradona is back in hospital. He is being treated for toxic hepatitis related to alcohol abuse.
Outside Argentina, not too many are sorry for him, which is sad in itself...
posted by gloglu at 09:58 AM on April 13, 2007
I hope he gets better the same as I would for anyone who is ill. However, this ain't a bad way to go. Overdosing on life. If my (or Maradona's) tombstone reads: "Partied to Death", I would consider myself lucky. Tell us that as you are dying of liver failure. Lucky? Hardly. It's a hard and ugly death, just like dying of smoking-related illness: you may have had fun while you were getting yourself there, but you probably won't be shouting to the skies about how it was all worth it.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:01 AM on April 13, 2007
Lucky? Hardly Calm down. Death sucks, we know. Whether it comes from a brain tumor, heart attack, stroke, car wreck, cancer....whatever. There is no good way to die. There are however some *good* ways to live. Good booze, great food, loose women, luxury suites, and private jets for 50 years, I could think of worse ways to leave this world.
posted by r8rh8r27 at 10:40 AM on April 13, 2007
You're advising a guy with a debilitating drug addition to "rock on"? I believe former teammate Jorge Valdano put it well when he said "He is someone many people want to emulate, a controversial figure, loved, hated, who stirs great upheaval, especially in Argentina... Stressing his personal life is a mistake. Maradona has no peers inside the pitch, but he has turned his life into a show, and is now living a personal ordeal that should not be imitated." (courtesy Wiki)
posted by Venicemenace at 11:11 AM on April 13, 2007
If this isn't a glaring example of karmic retribution, I don't know what is.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 11:14 AM on April 13, 2007
Karmic retribution,Tex? Maybe. But I don't ever recall a world class athelete in worse shape only a few short years from his last game.Some considered Maradona to be the greatest player ever.You would never know it to look at him now.And he is what,46?
posted by sickleguy at 11:14 PM on April 13, 2007
A sad reminder of the the plight of Georgie Best. Play, party, lil_brown_bat says, it ain't always the way to go. There are no time outs, penalty kicks or substitutions for the dead.
posted by wolfdad at 09:41 AM on April 14, 2007
But I don't ever recall a world class athelete in worse shape only a few short years from his last game. You're right and that's my point. His life away from the game has been completely reckless, but I don't recall him having personal problems before 1986. Could be coincidence...could be life balancing itself out, just like the game.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 12:12 PM on April 14, 2007
I hope he gets better the same as I would for anyone who is ill. However, this ain't a bad way to go. Overdosing on life. If my (or Maradona's) tombstone reads: "Partied to Death", I would consider myself lucky. Rock on, Diego!