Quite a Concept: “You’re sitting on a machine, rowing to exhaustion, going nowhere. Most people understand there’s something deeply nonsensical about the whole enterprise.” … Luanne Mills, who will take home a hammer for lightweight women, says, “I’ve met so many wonderful people from all over the world. I like everything about erging except doing it.”
[Perhaps our own Ultimate Olympian will give this a try this cold and windy winter.]
I'm erging just thinking about erging. If you know what I mean.
posted by Fence at 08:37 AM on January 25, 2007
I think pretty much all rowers erg; at least, every college rower I've ever met has stories about epic ergs.
posted by tieguy at 08:39 AM on January 25, 2007
She dumped my ass Is the rest of you still going out with her? Thanks for the plug, Amateur. I hate the erg. I'm delighted if I can beat eight minutes for 2,000m. I train at the Oxford university gym and last week, I was subjected to three first year wannabe rowers competing for a spot in a college boat (so a very long way down the pecking order from "the boat"). They were clearly lightweights, but all of them beat 6 minutes. One of them threw up afterwards. I felt a bit sick just watching. It's impressive stuff, but I reckon if any of them tried rowing like that on the water, they'd capsize in about three strokes.
posted by JJ at 10:22 AM on January 25, 2007
sorry weedy...I wonder if NASCAR or F1 will pick up on this concept??? pits would be much safer and Stewart could rid himself of that nasty safety harness!!
posted by bavarianmotorworker at 11:05 AM on January 25, 2007
“It’s seen as an honor to barf after your piece,” Hamilton explains. “It says you’ve left it all on the erg.” Sounds like it's the exact opposite of beer pong.
posted by MrFrisby at 11:14 AM on January 25, 2007
Being a collegiate rower, I probably puke after an erg about once a month. Sometimes I can't sleep the night before a 2k test. Ergs are definitely the most dreadful part of crew, but no other piece of equipment or workout can compare when it comes to results, not even actual rowing.
posted by WillieC at 02:23 PM on January 25, 2007
you're all really impressed that I, WeedyMcSmokey, dated an Olympian and former World Champion World Champion, that really narrows it down, assuming she's Canadian.
posted by Amateur at 09:57 PM on January 25, 2007
Yep. But now I just sound like a jerk for saying so - no disclosure!
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 11:02 PM on January 25, 2007
From that link, it has to be Marnie McBean, surely. Weedy McSmokey and Marnie McBean - it has the makings of a Tim Burton classic.
posted by JJ at 03:45 AM on January 26, 2007
I have an erg in my apartment that I use to keep in shape through the colder months (that shape, of course, being something between an egg and a pear). I have never thrown up from using the machine. And I thought I couldn't feel like even more of a sissy. Maybe if I just had more beer before getting on...
posted by BullpenPro at 04:06 AM on January 26, 2007
I used to row for UC Berkeley. Erging is horrible but neccesary for training, and every single person that has ever rowed ergs. It is a great workout but you have to enjoy the pain, gain doesn't come easy.
posted by SDM at 01:06 PM on January 26, 2007
Weedy McSmokey and Marnie McBean - it has the makings of a Tim Burton classic. Nope! I wouldn't want the guy who's seeing her to get in trouble from someone suggesting he's a drug-addled weblogger (however remote the possiblity). He'd never get laid again.... Sigh.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 03:30 PM on January 26, 2007
That's cool. I briefly dated an Olympian rower. I'm pretty sure she never 'erged', but really I bother posting this so you're all really impressed that I, WeedyMcSmokey, dated an Olympian and former World Champion. That's right. I'm the man. Know it. Live it. LOVE it. (She dumped my ass three months ago. My chance at vicarious glory - gone.)