Seattle Pitcher Stable After Hit In The Head.: OUCH! You hate to see something like this happen and I hope he's OK. IMHO it's also a good argument for keeping wooden bats only in MLB and never allowing them to go to aluminum as some have suggested in the past.
posted by commander cody to baseball at 05:26 PM - 12 comments
I watched this game and while feeling very bad about Soriano I felt almost as bad for Vladdy. He was truly upset and concerned.
posted by Termite at 06:13 PM on August 30, 2006
By the way, if your going to bring aluminum bats into the FPP you might want to link to something that supports your assertion. How about this? There are many more if you want me to post them. Aluminum bats are just more dangerous then wood an give the pitcher too little time to react.
posted by commander cody at 06:25 PM on August 30, 2006
From the little information given ("...remained in stable condition"), it's possible this guy could be in some real trouble. God, I hate head injuries. Here's hoping he comes through it with all his neurons in working order. (on preview: commander c, I don't think lilnemo was so much doubting the bit about the aluminum bats as pointing out that you were editorializing in your fpp. The fpp should reflect what's in the link, not our opinion of it; that can always go in a comment inside the thread.)
posted by lil_brown_bat at 06:28 PM on August 30, 2006
lbb is right, I'm not arguing the veracity of your claims. I'm just pointing out that if you're going to bring something up that is not mentioned in the link you ought to provide a supporting link to justify the subjects inclusion.
posted by lilnemo at 06:48 PM on August 30, 2006
I stand corrected. What I should have done was post the link and then post my opinion and supporting link about aluminum bats in a comment. Still learning more everyday even now. ;-)
posted by commander cody at 06:51 PM on August 30, 2006
I hope that Soriano can recover from any physical injury but also mentally (remember Herb Score, whose fear of getting drilled again derailed a promising career). Though I loved aluminum bats as a hitter, the way my golf ball jumps off of the face of my King Cobra driver compared to my old wooden 1 wood convinces me that conversion to metallic bats create an added risk to pitchers and charging infielders that simply is not worth it.
posted by judgedread at 11:17 PM on August 30, 2006
Naaaaaaassssssty. This is like the bird that got hit by a pitch thrown by Randy Johnson; in that, of all the people in the bigs to eat a comebacker off of, Vlady is at the bottom of the list. He hits the ball seriously hard. He would have been better off taking one from Adam Kennedy - he could have registered the put out with his teeth. I hope Soriano was just knocked silly - that way he has a chance to not remember anything, and then won't get Pitcher PTSD. Someone needs to link to YouTube (we don't do that enough around here) - it's blocked at my office.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 07:50 AM on August 31, 2006
Someone needs to link to YouTube Done And it looks like a nasty hit.
posted by Folkways at 08:57 AM on August 31, 2006
From the little information given ("...remained in stable condition"), it's possible this guy could be in some real trouble. The latest report had him leaving the hospital last night after a couple of MRIs showed no skull fractures and no swelling of the brain. He's probably done for the season (Seattle isn't in the playoff hunt). I hope he recovers well and doesn't suffer any ill effects as he's had a rough career so far (injuries) and was finally getting things back on track this season.
posted by grum@work at 10:15 AM on August 31, 2006
Vlad is definitely the batter I'd least like to get hit in the head by. Not that I'd want to get hit in the head by any batter, actually. But definitely not Vlad.
posted by nicotine winning patch at 03:27 PM on August 31, 2006
Hopefully he doesn't have any pitching problems (Matt Clement) after this. And since you have brought up the aluminum vs. wood I go with wood in all levels. Aluminum bats are just too dangerous and also can cause bad hitting mechanics because of the enlarged "sweet" spot. Mostly dangerous and I wish the guy the best.
posted by kidrayter2005 at 03:56 PM on August 31, 2006
Soriano got hit so hard, Vlad Guerrero took himself out of the game, sat on the bench and prayed. By the way, if your going to bring aluminum bats into the FPP you might want to link to something that supports your assertion.