Let's Go Strike!: A day after the players union set a strike date of Aug. 30, fans at Shea Stadium did not seem to mind that the season could end in two weeks... BRING IT ON! Though skateboarders have the same issues (are little leaguers next?) and A-rod is worth the money, George Vescey breaks down the disaster that is baseball's upcoming strike, and Murray Chass reminds us (again?) of the Expos history.
I know a lot of people who will LOVE seeing baseball die. Mostly women who hate baseball:)
posted by Drood at 01:33 PM on August 18, 2002
Baseball won't die. Baseball as we know it could quite easily die, which is probably a perfectly good thing.
posted by tieguy at 03:23 PM on August 18, 2002
As a Red Sox fan, I'm starting to see the possibility of a strike as a neat little exit strategy. This season's flameout isn't so bad if there's no season to talk about and I can shift right over to the Patsies.
posted by yerfatma at 02:54 PM on August 19, 2002
Since we're going with the paper of record. Did anyone catch Bill Rhoden's defense of the players position?