MLBP orders a Mets fansite to shut down: for copyright violation and cybersquatting. Next all fans will be sued for copyright violation for wearing team shirts and hats. It is getting easier and easier to turn my back on Major League baseball.
posted by srboisvert to baseball at 11:00 AM - 3 comments
posted by liam at 12:54 PM on July 30, 2002
I have no strong feelings at all on this one because I gave up thinking long ago that the conflicting sides care very much. I see no point in caring more about baseball than the chief operators and chief beneficiaries do; that is, the people who are ostensibly in charge of its health and who make their living off the game. This is my favorite passage from the Halberstam article. It's like rooting for an alcoholic. How can you help them if they're not willing to help themselves? fuck 'em
posted by vito90 at 12:59 PM on July 30, 2002
It is getting easier and easier to turn my back on Major League Baseball.
ESPN's Page 2 has a great David Halberstam piece on this up right now that's strongly recommended reading. I'd link, but... well, long story but I can't copy and paste in my browser right now :)