A one-shot lead for Lehman...well, sort of.: In Augusta for the Masters, Tom Lehman and his courtesy car get more than they bargained for from a guy who, apparently, "had a problem with Cadillac."
posted by The_Black_Hand to golf at 07:29 AM - 6 comments
*polite golf clap* Well played, JJ ... well played.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:48 AM on April 06, 2006
*cursory cap tip* 'q
posted by JJ at 08:52 AM on April 06, 2006
And I thought my "one-shot lead" would be the funniest thing in this thread. Curse you, JJ.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:26 AM on April 06, 2006
Police suspect the culprit was Mrs. John Daly. This was clearly an intimidation tactic to 'help' Lehman with his decision to place her husband on the US Ryder Cup team.
posted by Desert Dog at 12:23 PM on April 06, 2006
Isn't she in prison at the moment?
posted by JJ at 03:44 AM on April 07, 2006
Sam Torrence shifted into drive and slowly edged out into traffic. Mark James had just called to tell him "the duck had flown the nest" - it was time. It was a long time since that day - almost seven years - but if anything the pain just grew stronger with every passing day. Now, finally, it would end. In his rearview mirror, he could see Lehman approaching. He let him pass, and then sped up to draw level. Slowly, he wound down the window and pointed the gun at Lehman's car. "This is for Brookline!" A shot rang out as Torrence floored it into the distance, cackling. Fortunately for Lehman, Torrence was about as accurate with a gun as he was with a seven iron.