Racism in Europe once again rears its ugly head: Barcelona and Cameroon international Samuel Eto'o threatens to walk off the field with 13 minutes remaining after Real Zaragoza fans bombard him with monkey chants.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY to soccer at 11:22 AM - 23 comments
Nice to see that Barca scored twice in the next few minutes.
posted by billsaysthis at 12:24 PM on February 26, 2006
They did a segment on HBO's Real Sports on this topic. It's a must watch for all. I was shocked that this still goes on in an "enlightened" continent such as Europe. When listening to the American media you would think we have the market cornered on antisocial racist behavior. When will a man be judged by the content of his charecter and not the color of his skin? It's sad when Europe is more racist that the deep south.... How sad that we still have ignorant people on this planet.
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:36 PM on February 26, 2006
We never hear what the fans have to say after their team loses, interesting. Moreover, it just proves you have to beat them on the field to shut them up and how much ignorance is still present.
posted by BigMeat281 at 12:36 PM on February 26, 2006
By the way I hate racists more than liberals!!!
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:37 PM on February 26, 2006
Bigmeat You are right. Gotta out play them. Saw an unusual sight the other night, a black defensman on a minor league hockey team. He palyed well. But when folks yelled at him it was all about him being a goon, bad skater or his team being lousy. We did not hear a racist comment. This suprised my jaded friends. Wow hockey fans being enlightened?
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:41 PM on February 26, 2006
IHATE LIBERALS, you should go to more hockey games. This stuff is awful, and it seems to be a persistent undercurrent in a few parts of Europe. I know Thierry Henry's foundation is still addressing the issue, but past that, I'm curious as to what else is being done. (Actually, I'd like to hear from squealy and worldcup2002 about this. )
posted by chicobangs at 01:45 PM on February 26, 2006
This just proves that there are racist idiots everywhere. IHATE LIBERALS and Chico I agree with your points. Is it really 2006 is 1906? Does this garbage ver get old? Unfortunately it seems you can not fight ignorance. Just a sad story.
posted by JUSTDAD at 01:50 PM on February 26, 2006
I also saw the HBO segment about a year ago and it was sick when the morons threw bannans on the field. Horrible.
posted by JUSTDAD at 01:53 PM on February 26, 2006
Justdad, unfortunately, it seems you always must fight ignorance. It's only a sad story if you stop.
posted by chicobangs at 01:54 PM on February 26, 2006
Does this garbage ver get old? Sadly it will probably never end, there will always be the dumbasses out there who for whatever reason, hate black people.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 01:54 PM on February 26, 2006
Idiots. Unfortunately they can't be ignored. They should be fined, briefly incarcerated, and banned from attending any sporting or entertainment venue in the country where it occurred, the home country of the victim. And they should also be banned from attending the sport in general. Scream monkey at your TV, that's all you got.
posted by Pabo at 02:00 PM on February 26, 2006
How sad that we still have ignorant people on this planet. posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:36 PM CST on February 26 Ah, the irony.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 02:19 PM on February 26, 2006
Chico You are correct again. My goal in life is just try to make my small part of this planet better. Just a bit idealistic of me. If I can get my kids and those around me to think. The sad part is there seems to be no shortage of ignorance and hatred. Just a shortage of common sense. JD
posted by JUSTDAD at 02:50 PM on February 26, 2006
it sad that they dont care how good eto'o but the fact that he is black.
posted by Jorgealberto at 02:53 PM on February 26, 2006
The black hand: That is truly ironic. I was going to post the same message, but you best me to it. Let's hope the name was just a cry for help.
posted by JUSTDAD at 02:54 PM on February 26, 2006
Black hand - Bravo!
posted by blarp at 03:39 PM on February 26, 2006
Funny thing about common sense....seems it aint all that common.
posted by Hang_Ten at 04:19 PM on February 26, 2006
By the way I hate racists more than liberals!!! posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:37 PM CST on February 26 And I hate racists more then conservatives! Hey, who knows, maybe there's a chance for common ground between liberals and conservatives after all. And that was typed with no sarcasim intended at all. True Word.
posted by commander cody at 04:24 PM on February 26, 2006
How sad that we still have ignorant people on this planet. posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:36 PM CST on February 26 Ah, the irony. posted by The_Black_Hand at 2:19 PM CST on February 26 Thank you TBH, that made me laugh.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:57 PM on February 26, 2006
pass me a banana,to go with my watermelon...yes it gets old,just ask any respectable black person, not just athletes have to endure the nation of people who think theyre premier and have the power to judge.this goes on everyday,not just at sporting events.Im sure I hate liberals can trace his roots back to Europe too...woo woo woo, eek eek awk awk !!!
posted by ACEofSPADES at 06:04 PM on February 26, 2006
Actually, I'd like to hear from squealy and worldcup2002 about this. I did try to comment on this yesterday but was stymied by the problem with replying to posts. I can only speak from an English perspective but racism at football is far less of a problem than it used to be. Sure, isolated incidents do occur - for instance two of our black players took a lot of stick away at Stoke last week. And the Birmingham team and fans were subjected to the notorious "Town full of Pakis" song from the charming natives of Stoke. However, the English FA has been very active and successful in campaigning against racism within football in England. I can't really comment on Continental Europe as I know only what is in the news, and don't have any idea how widespread the problem is, if it is widespread at all.
posted by squealy at 08:28 AM on February 28, 2006
The problem of racism in European football has been described by many as endemic. The only thing I know about racism in European soccer is what I read or see in the news, or on the Kick it Out website. Seems to be pretty widespread to me.
posted by Spitztengle at 10:57 AM on February 28, 2006
Sadly, this is the second time in a year Zaragoza supporters insult Eto'o (and the rest of the world's black population, I would think) in this manner. This almost makes a person long for the Jim Crow days in America. What a horrific comment on the human condition.