pass me a banana,to go with my watermelon...yes it gets old,just ask any respectable black person, not just athletes have to endure the nation of people who think theyre premier and have the power to judge.this goes on everyday,not just at sporting events.Im sure I hate liberals can trace his roots back to Europe too...woo woo woo, eek eek awk awk !!!
posted by ACEofSPADES at 06:04 PM on February 26, 2006
Racism in Europe once again rears its ugly head
pass me a banana,to go with my watermelon...yes it gets old,just ask any respectable black person, not just athletes have to endure the nation of people who think theyre premier and have the power to judge.this goes on everyday,not just at sporting events.Im sure I hate liberals can trace his roots back to Europe too...woo woo woo, eek eek awk awk !!!