Athletes dumber than Spice Girls?!: Beckham can't help his six year old son with math, and apparently won't be able to in Grammar either. "I think it was maths, actually. It's done totally differently to what I was teached..."
posted by texoma-slim to soccer at 10:44 AM - 14 comments
A little insight as to why so many athletes go broke? They can't count change or figure out how much money they made in the first place. The good news for guys not on their toes enough to get a spice girl to tutor their children...Jessica Simpson is now available!
posted by texoma-slim at 10:59 AM on February 26, 2006
Did he go to his school on an athletic scholarship? Explains why he couldn't figure out the story problems. When the hell will the world figure out that it takes more than being a star athlete to be a citizen, much less a father? Man, this guy (as well as others) is desperately stupid.
posted by mrhockey at 11:03 AM on February 26, 2006
Did he go to his school on an athletic scholarship? No, unless you count whatever school he attended when he was playing in Manchester United's youth system. It is not at all common for soccer players to receive a college education during their playing years. I'm not sure college will help Beckham; he's not exactly the brightest star in the sky to begin with.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 11:11 AM on February 26, 2006
right, so much for math and grammar. forget about science! I wonder if he's even heard of it. Kick the ball little david, kick it. Good, thats really good boy, youre dumber than a box of rocks but you can kick the hell out of that ball!
posted by aaa76 at 11:21 AM on February 26, 2006
Remember, the soccer idiots in Europe are the same as basketball idiots in US. Patrick Ewing went to Georgetown and could not read. Dexter Manley had a degree in English and could not read run spot run..... Do you think Roger Clements or Randy Johnson can help their kids with homework? Face it with a few exceptions athletes are dumb as dirt... Just wait until about ten years after they retire and waste the millions. It's great to have a former NBA player ask if you want fries with that. And no he did not own the restaurant. It was highlight of a bad day.....
posted by IHATELIBERALS at 12:52 PM on February 26, 2006
Beckham + Mensa don't mix.
posted by roberts at 01:15 PM on February 26, 2006
Do you think Roger Clements or Randy Johnson can help their kids with homework? Roger Clemens doesn't need to because at least one of his kids plays professional baseball.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 01:56 PM on February 26, 2006
HA! That story is awesome. The fact is though, dumbass or no, he's a shit load better off than you and I will ever be. I'd rather be rich and dumb...
posted by Drood at 02:58 PM on February 26, 2006
Face it with a few exceptions athletes are dumb as dirt... Actually, the level of intelligence among North American pro athletes is probably equal to or HIGHER than that of the average North American. When you factor in that quite of few of them do end up with degrees (and deserved them), that puts them at a much higher level than many people from their same economic or social background. We always hear about the dumb things that athletes say, but we rarely get to hear about the smart things that athletes say because, well, it doesn't make for great articles or no one remembers them.
posted by grum@work at 03:12 PM on February 26, 2006
Did he go to his school on an athletic scholarship? Most football players are pulled into the pro club youth squads when still at high school, and never get a real secondary school education, never mind university.
posted by rodgerd at 04:13 PM on February 26, 2006
My God! I thought my divorce lawyer was stupid...but...Keeeerist!
posted by commander cody at 04:26 PM on February 26, 2006
Did he go to his school on an athletic scholarship? This question was meant to be rhetorical, but for reasons obvious to only a few, it was taken seriously. Comparatively, Charles Barkley and Patrick Ewing are in two seperate worlds, but they both went to college. The point was made only to show how schools tend to ignore the lack of proper behavior in student athletes, but nowhere else.
posted by mrhockey at 05:55 PM on February 26, 2006
I wish I was bad at math. Stupid brains...stupid, stupid brains!!! Coach: "We're losing 3-2, Beckham go out there and get us in this one!" Beckham: "But coach, we're down 3?"
posted by timdawg at 08:55 AM on February 28, 2006
I play for Real Madrid. I can't spell Real Madrid, but that's who I play for....