Finding the Bradman of bowling.: Using statistics to find the best Test bowler of all time. That's cricket to you. Number of wickets? Average? Strike rate? Richie Benaud ponders the question.
I find myself in total amazement at my complete ignorance of anything written in that posted link. I thought it was going to be about bowling 10 pins with a ball with finger holes. owlhouse, I'd like to learn a a little about the game you seem to enjoy so much, how about a column explaining cricket to us ignorant Yanks? I'd be ever so grateful. Ignorant about cricket in Michigan.
posted by skydivedad at 09:00 AM on February 11, 2006
SDD Sentence 2 in the title reads That's cricket to you. Although as a fellow American I too was thinking good ol Tuesday night fun at the 10 pin alley. I must say I do enjoy reading the *beyond the pond* articles and the knowledge I gain about the games people play. Owl I second the idea of a column or even a nudge in the right direction as to where to learn a bit more.
posted by Folkways at 10:06 AM on February 11, 2006
skydivedad- You might want to check out the links in here.
posted by blarp at 10:28 AM on February 11, 2006
Best bowler of all time...EARL ANTHONY! errr...Did you say Cricket? They are very bothersome when camping out and trying to sleep...all that damn churping! Seriously, its a game I admit, I really dont get. When I was down under I got the chance to see a game. The Aussies love it and the crowd was really into it. I will check out blarps links to try and learn more about the game!
posted by CountDracula58 at 10:54 AM on February 11, 2006
blarp thanks Well seems I've got alot to learn, overs, sides, 2 batsmen, bowler, .... interesting stuff
posted by skydivedad at 10:55 AM on February 11, 2006
I'll try and put a column together once the Winter Games are over. It might be good to generate some interest ahead of the next Ashes series (November - January) and the World Cup (early 2007). Glad you enjoyed the game, Count. I spent my formative years on the old Hill at the SCG, which if you know it, explains a lot.
posted by owlhouse at 07:01 PM on February 11, 2006
Not surprisingly, late 19th century bowlers figure prominently. I know I'd rather bowl on an uncovered wicket.