NHL player gives a little back to the community.: The NHL has been getting some negative press lately. Here's a guy that shows professional hockey players can make a positive impact on society. Rob Skrlac is not the only one. Are your favorite teams doing anything for your community?
My sentiments exactly skydivemom. I was starting to lose faith in the human race. I was hoping more people would share similiar stories. I know the Flyers wives usually hold alot of charity events.
posted by njsk8r20 at 01:58 PM on February 10, 2006
Now thats a stand-up dude. As a Flyers fan I am quite proud of the team and their wives for their community work (and I dont mean appearances at used-car lots or washing fire trucks).Also, my local senior A team, the Jackson Hole Moose does a lot around town.
posted by GoBirds at 03:45 PM on February 10, 2006
Yes, njsk8r20, my favorite team is doing something for the community. They're PISSING EVERYBODY OFF with their inability to win a game. That's what the Kings are doing for my own private community.
posted by Desert Dog at 03:48 PM on February 10, 2006
Yay him, for sure. Negative stuff always makes the headlines. Trainwrecks are compelling for all kinds of reasons. That's just how human nature works. But this is really cool of him, and I suspect he's not the only one doing something good. I'd love to hear more. Even if he is leading those poor children astray by turning them into Devils fans. tut, tut, tut.
posted by chicobangs at 03:52 PM on February 10, 2006
Not bad at all. It doesn't surprise me to see a positive thread about the NHL here so fast. Just imagine if only a few of us would follow such a good example and toss in some positive threads about the NFL and NBA every time there is a negative story. It would create some much needed balance here. I haven't been here long, but being a member over at metafilter I know how that kind of thing works. Nice thread njsk, but I have to stop the "love" here being a Flyers fan. By the way, leave it to the Devils to right the ship and start playing well. Can they have a totally bad year just once? Now if the Flyers can stop getting hurt and do the same.
posted by BlogZilla at 04:17 PM on February 10, 2006
One needs to look a bit deeper if they want positive news. Today's newspapers are for the most part all owned by huge groups of cooperative small papers, and they all print the lousy negative news they are told to print by Gannett and the other big pundits. But just look at the teams closely. EVERY team website has articles about their players (or ex-players) that expound their community service activity, but you'll rarely see it in the paper unless it's Detroit or Toronto. It's great to see it, and perhaps people should look at their team websites more often to get a lilt of what their people are doing.
posted by mrhockey at 06:28 PM on February 10, 2006
unless it's Detroit or Toronto. Still it's not always ego when it's a Detriot player in the news. I remember Federov gave his entire 98-99 pay to start a foundation. That was what? $2 million? Granted he'd just signed with a huge bonus the season before but still......not too bad at all. Every once in awhile a player does something that makes me think they're not all greedy bastards.
posted by commander cody at 12:31 AM on February 11, 2006
All pro sports and teams do this stuff and so do most corporations and their executives. I'm not knocking these contributions--though it would be pretty sad if the people in the top 1% earnings bracket didn't give--but I don't see them as newsworthy. I give charity too, should the local paper do an article on it? No? Then the rich shouldn't get such coverage either.
posted by billsaysthis at 06:05 PM on February 11, 2006
Thank you for the post. It is nice to see a positive thing every now and then. Alot of this site goes into the negative things that athletes do. Good for him for what he does.