Arab players break fast because of their love of soccer: Because I love the slightly off topic articles. Islamic players of the worlds most popular game had to violate their beliefes and play on Saturday afternoon during Ramadan.
Israeli rabbis have been unsuccessful in trying to ban soccer games on Saturdays, the Jewish Sabbath. So clearly it's financial considerations and not religious discrimination, regardless of what people might claim. Still stupid, just not supid in that particular, and inflammatory, way.
posted by billsaysthis at 03:10 PM on October 31, 2005
They should have just set off a few car bombs right before the game to delay it a bit.
posted by Turbo at 03:21 PM on October 31, 2005
I wouldn't presume to speak for Allah or anyone or anything else, but I trust these guys know what's best, and I may not be able to empathize with their dilemma, but I do sympathize. (Warm up the Walter Sobchak quote-o-matic, dude.)
posted by chicobangs at 03:44 PM on October 31, 2005
What struck me as odd about this articel is that they still chose to play soccer. Wouldn't a true muslim not play because he would be a violation of his Ramadan observation? The governing soccer body in Isreal is probably a secular institiution and in no way should have to bow to the demands of any player(s) based on whatever religious objections they may have had but as a good muslim they should have not played. If they went ahead and broke fast on their own how can they complain now? They were faced with a choice (probably very difficult) but they made their decision to complian afterwards seems childish.
posted by HATER 187 at 03:49 PM on October 31, 2005
During the 86 World Cup, I was living in Indonesia. The Indonesian press was very interested in what the players from countries like Morocco were doing, as the tournament fell the same time as Ramadan. And Mexico in July was fairly warm, and they had midday kickoffs scheduled. Apparently you can get an exemption from fasting as long as you make it up later (i.e. after the tournament). Seems most players did this.
posted by owlhouse at 03:49 PM on October 31, 2005
There have always been provisions to break the Ramadan fast. Apparently nowadays there's considerable diversity of opinion about what constitutes a good reason, which should surprise no one -- gee, imagine that, in a religion with 1.3 billion adherents, not everybody interprets religious requirements the same way. Interesting, too, that this was a mixed Muslim and Jewish team. Perhaps it wasn't just "love of soccer", as Hater put it (the phrase is not used in the article), but also a wish to not let their teammates down.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 04:31 PM on October 31, 2005
i honestly think that when the players put their game above what even brought them to where they are {Allah},that just shows how much they appreciate. its times like these were i could truly say im hurt and pissed. yoo it just dont make sense, they do this next thing you no there skippin prayers, they might as well prey to the soccer ball. comon its just not right.thats what i think no matter how much sports means to us
posted by sarah5 at 06:52 PM on October 31, 2005
sarah, are you a Muslim?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:57 PM on October 31, 2005
What's to say? Is it too much to ask that games be played an hour later? They should have boycotted the game, then see how much TV revenue is made. Dumb ass comments by the federation chief. Anyway, Allah is not forgiving, these guys are going straight to hell.