Arab players break fast because of their love of soccer
i honestly think that when the players put their game above what even brought them to where they are {Allah},that just shows how much they appreciate. its times like these were i could truly say im hurt and pissed. yoo it just dont make sense, they do this next thing you no there skippin prayers, they might as well prey to the soccer ball. comon its just not right.thats what i think no matter how much sports means to us
Arab players break fast because of their love of soccer
i honestly think that when the players put their game above what even brought them to where they are {Allah},that just shows how much they appreciate. its times like these were i could truly say im hurt and pissed. yoo it just dont make sense, they do this next thing you no there skippin prayers, they might as well prey to the soccer ball. comon its just not right.thats what i think no matter how much sports means to us