UConn players punished by university for laptop thefts: You may remember our previous discussion, now UConn has handed down the punishment to Marcus Williams and AJ Price. Williams appears to have received a lesser penalty because of his involvement in primarily an off-campus role.
posted by YukonGold to basketball at 09:49 AM - 12 comments
Sorry, but not everybody engages in $11,000 worth of larceny while in college. As far as the punishment fitting the crime, I'll make you a deal: you go steal four laptop computers, get caught, then face the consequences. If you get off without jail time, I'll admit that you're 100% right.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 02:42 PM on October 31, 2005
If you stole four laptop computers from a University dorm, you probably would receive a similar punishment. As stated in the initial link: At UConn, there were 52 cases in the past two years in which sanctions were levied against students found responsible for theft, attempted theft and/or possession of stolen property. They resulted in two expulsions, two suspensions of more than two semesters, eight suspensions for two semesters, 11 suspensions held in abeyance, 24 probations and five warnings, according to university records. btw, UConn isn't capable of handing out jailtime so those figures are not included.
posted by YukonGold at 03:22 PM on October 31, 2005
Stupid yes, criminal no. This isn't a frat party excess or cheating on exams this is theft. Any non-athlete student would have been expelled for a similar offense.. As a Ct resident and fan, I don't want UCONN to turn into UNLV east and Calhoun become our Tarkanian which I fear may be happening here. This is a disgrace.
posted by connecticut Yankee at 04:42 PM on October 31, 2005
Sorry, but not everybody engages in $11,000 worth of larceny while in college. As far as the punishment fitting the crime, I'll make you a deal: you go steal four laptop computers, get caught, then face the consequences. If you get off without jail time, I'll admit that you're 100% right. Get yourself a good lawyer and you will not face jail time if you are a first time offender. Jails are too full to be locking up every person who does something dumb like grabbing a few laptops, now climb down off your high horse and embrace reality.
posted by jbou at 11:35 PM on October 31, 2005
Yep - blown out of proportion. Gotta suggest this didn't warrant such widespread coverage. I'll take 'stupid things kids do for extra money' for $200.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 07:54 AM on November 01, 2005
Jails are too full to be locking up every person who does something dumb like grabbing a few laptops, now climb down off your high horse and embrace reality. My high horse? Well, excuse me for thinking that stealing from your fellow students at the school that gave you a free education is wrong. Thanks for the dose of "reality." Shoplifters of the world, unite and take over...after all, it's not like anybody's gonna punish you.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:49 AM on November 01, 2005
A rush and a push and those laptops are ours.
posted by yerfatma at 12:28 PM on November 01, 2005
Why are some of you guys defending these kids? They stole 4 laptops! It wasn't like they got drunk and thought it would be funny to take 1 laptop. They took four with the intent to make money off them. They deserve what they got, and yes it is criminal and stupid. The two kinda go hand in hand
posted by SDM at 01:32 PM on November 01, 2005
Who in this thread is "defending these kids"?
posted by yerfatma at 02:09 PM on November 01, 2005
Well, of course, the defenders are those people who think the penalty is just without a lengthy prison term for those hardened criminals.
posted by bperk at 02:28 PM on November 01, 2005
Sometimes I wonder if people even read the links here or just jump in and start shouting. Any non-athlete student would have been expelled for a similar offense. Well, it's right there in one of the comments...50 students who had similar offenses throw a little wrench into your assesment.
posted by YukonGold at 02:08 PM on November 02, 2005
Everyone does stupid stuff in college let's not be too quick to condem. The punishment seems to fit the crime in this case.