It Ain't Easy Being Green.: First Tony Allen gets charged with aggravated assault. Now Mark Blount is being accused of cheating on his SAT, taking cash in college, and taking steroids. No word on his involvement in JFK's assassination
posted by lilnemo to basketball at 05:24 PM - 3 comments
Oh man, cb being back is the greatest news ever. As for Mark Blount, well, umm, he really wanted $40 million I guess. Can't say I blame him. If having someone cheat on my SATs and a couple shots of steroids could get me that, well, I wouldn't take it but if I wanted $40 million, I definitely would.
posted by panoptican at 08:02 PM on October 26, 2005
Wanna know why LeBron didn't go to college? I took his SATs for him, that's why.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 03:08 PM on October 27, 2005
Eh, some other radio broadcaster said we had the best collection of "young talent" he'd seen in years. Damning with faint praise, I know. Besides, I am willing to personally testify that Mark Blount's game has never once suggested the influence of steroids. Who can be upset when cb is back?