White Sox manger questions Marte's injury.: I always thought that this type of thing should be kept between the manager and the player'not given to the Media. I guess that Ozzie feels differantly about on how this should be handled. Just another sign that the Sox will "fold" in the playoffs like a cheap suit!
I knew the Sox would fold em by this point. Being a Cub fan, I obviously hate the White Sox. I get sick and tired of hearing how great they are this year. They had a great thing going until they became a bitch machine! The unity that just a short while held them together has began to unfold right before our eyes. When they were in the playoffs a cpl of years back, they were one of the top 3 teams in baseball heading into the post-season. After getting swept in 3, they pointed the fingers at anyone and everyone but themselves. While I know the Cubs were supposed to be a great team both last year and this year, I admit it...THEY SUCKED BAD! But even with the many injuries they had all year, they never used it as an excuse. While the reporters and media said that's why they are so bad, they stated simply with every loss, We should have took that one. The White Sox start to lose and seem to send the blame to everyone else. I was impressed with how well the Sox did earlier this season and even cheered a bit for my late grandfather and greatuncle who were both part of the Sox minor leagues back in the 40's, but after seeing how they take losses with all these excuses, it's hard to understand why anyone would cheer for them. When it comes to Ozzie and keeping his big mouth shut about team situations, no suprise there either. Now it's Marte', before it was the big Turd [sorry Hurt}. Seems to me that he has taught this team the finer points of how to be a good bitch-master. Cardinals vs. Cleveland in the series, Cardinals in 6.
posted by melcarek69 at 11:04 AM on September 15, 2005
There was a quote in the movie Remember the Titans, "Attitude reflects leadership." Looks as if thats the case in chicago.
posted by jojomfd1 at 11:35 AM on September 15, 2005
As a twins fan I love seeing the White Sox Struggle. Cleveland has always been my second favrite team. You have to like a team that never seems to give up! If they both make the playoffs I think that the Tribe will go farther.
posted by daddisamm at 11:41 AM on September 15, 2005
How can you be a Twins fan and like the tribe at all? They are mutually exclusive. At least that's the way I as Twins fan have always seen it. And as for the sox I could never figure out how they were winning in the first place so I don't expect them to go too far come postseason. Cardinals vs. Bo Sox Cards in 6
posted by tron7 at 12:11 PM on September 15, 2005
Well I have a soft spot for several of the Indians. I'll cheer for them before I cheer for the White Sox. I know it doesnt make sence to like them being a Twins fans--But hey,I never said that all of my thoughts are lodgical!!!! Go Twins---They'll be back on top next year(Wow now I am starting to sound like a cubs fans! lol)
posted by daddisamm at 12:50 PM on September 15, 2005
Hey, that smarts!
posted by melcarek69 at 01:44 PM on September 15, 2005
I'd be more upset if that weren't true daddy
posted by melcarek69 at 01:44 PM on September 15, 2005
I have to admit, as a Cubs fan nothing could please me more than see the White Sucks fall apart. Guillen has to be the most illiterate manager in all of professional sports. And who the hell likes the Big Smurf? They have been overrated all year and now they are showing their true colors.
posted by willthrill72 at 04:40 PM on September 15, 2005
they would have to blame themselves, especially ozzie who has made some real bad decisions as of late. but its also only natural for them to try to blame someone else especially since their blowing a 10 to 12 game lead in the division. on a last note SCREW YOU CUBS FANS AT LEAST THE SOX STILL GOT A CHANCE. WHERE ARE THE CUBS, ALWAYS HURT AND BARELY AT .500. BUNCH OF BITCHES. GO SOX!!!!!!!!!
posted by aztlan78 at 05:21 PM on September 15, 2005
I have to admit, as a Cubs fan nothing could please me more than see the White Sucks fall apart. Guillen has to be the most illiterate manager in all of professional sports He had me wondering on several pitching changes last night. At least the grounds crew will be busy today re-sodding the path worn from the Sox dug out to the mound!!!!!!
posted by jojomfd1 at 11:37 AM on September 20, 2005
At least now we are maybe getting a glimpse of why the white sox are tappering off this september. They are now only 5 games ahead of the Indians in the Central, and they have to play them 6 more times. This could be one hell of a divisional race!!! Go Tribe!!!!!