Tony Kornheiser brings out the bandwagon again! : "Isn't it just like the French to go out early and leave it up to us to beat the Germans?"
Maybe I don't get the thrust of the article. Let me ask, is he putting down the Fr. because he feels they're an easier opponent for the USA to beat. Or, if the French had done their part......?(which is my confusion) I know they had the highest paid team, and defender of '98, yet it's our win right there. Because after re-reading it I would not want the world to read this, if this is how he shows them the USA's view. It seems to me he is saying, I blame you if we don't.... Gee no wonder they're confused across the sea, I can't blame them now for hating us. My take by him is: what, just because it is Germany now we might loose and spoil his desire to have a trophy. Win or loose, there is no guarantee for the next victory, that is what I enjoy about the cup. Like he said it is like war to some. Our pro sports in the states, except for soccer, may just be a monopoly to some IMHO. Man, he is just a trophy collector is what I learned. Yes I'm a flag waver, yet so is most Europeans which is the distinction I see for the cup when comparing US to them. They are known to just paint there face and sit alone in front of a TV screen, I know I witnessed my girlfriend do this with Sweden vs. Brazil in 94. Go USA I will be watching, and I hate the mornings, yet this is as far as we have ever gone, plus my brother lives in Germany. PS maybe I'm taking this too far, yet I just showed a Frenchman who loves soccer this site, doh.
posted by thomcatspike at 01:47 PM on June 20, 2002
If you've ever seen his show (Pardon the Interuption) you would understand that what he says is mostly tongue in cheek, but also trying to get a rise out of the viewer/reader. After you read through the exagerations, generalizations, and little insults, I think you get a good idea at the mass media american idea of soccer. "Why pay attention if we're not the best and if it's different from what I already know."
posted by kire at 02:50 PM on June 20, 2002
Unfunny American 'Sports' Pundit Is Unfunny, Headlines At 11. Keep Drinking Bud Fucking Light, Tony.
posted by etagloh at 05:00 PM on June 20, 2002
i believe he drinks smirnoff ice...
posted by silent4lie at 05:58 PM on June 20, 2002
Wow, djacobs. If it weren't for you I wouldn't know who to hate (read his posts, people. I'm much too lazy to link them ). If you don't mind a personal question, djacobs, exactly how many hours a week do you spend scouring over sports pages looking for sentences that you find questionable? I'll place my bet at near 20 or so. My next post- "What is wrong with this sentence- djacobs is a reactionary maggot who searches out any non-PC statement in an article relating to sports and posts it to Sportsfilter." I applaud your attempt at trying to fill Sportsfilter with worthwhile material, but reading what is essentially the same post every 5 days is counter-productive.
posted by ttrendel at 04:14 AM on June 21, 2002
Glad to hear it was just bait, remind me to keep my pole, I mean nose out.
posted by thomcatspike at 01:31 PM on June 21, 2002
Actually, the Maginot line held out quite well, the French military is sometimes unfairly maligned, it was political infighting which really contributed to their downfall in WWII. I've heard so many French jokes, and I've made so many myself, that I find it a tired and cliched tactic. How would Tony like some nice Jewish jokes, or Israeli jokes?