The Pittsburgh Penguins win the Sidney Crosby sweepstakes: The NHL got around to setting the draft order today, and in the process, blowing a few tinfoil hats off of quite a few heads. Good for the Pens as they could really use the shot in the arm that someone like Sidney Crosby could give them.
Ah crap! Please delete this stupid post then. Sorry.
posted by NoMich at 03:42 PM on July 22, 2005
Yeah, it looks like discussion is continuing in that thread more so than this one.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 03:46 PM on July 22, 2005
YIP DEE DOO. Mario scores again.
posted by garfield at 03:47 PM on July 22, 2005
No problem having this thread (this is news, surely, and many topics get covered over two threads in a "here it comes/there it goes" style) though I must mosey over to see what is in the other thread.
posted by gspm at 04:23 PM on July 22, 2005
At least Pittsburgh is first in something. Hopefully in a few years it will pan out.
posted by dbt302 at 04:56 PM on July 22, 2005
Anyone notice that the NHL changed its logo from this (with orange an a left to right, top to bottom movement) to this (with no orange and a left to right, bottom to top movement)?
posted by holden at 05:45 PM on July 22, 2005
Chicago is #7, so combined with their unwillingness to spend money and the number in the draft I can see where our season is going. Maybe tickets will be cheaper.........
posted by volfire at 05:59 PM on July 22, 2005
The NHL logo change was news (not noticed by many) after the last Stanley Cup and before the lockout. Mind you, it was minor news coming in the offseason. I think they just mentioned that they were updating the logo and left it at that. They hadn't unveiled it until today though. They mentioned it would be given a more modern tweak and it looks like it has received one.
posted by gspm at 07:48 PM on July 22, 2005
It looks to me like the Flyers lost the logo sponsorship in favor the LA Kings. Also, it was announced today that the NHL players will indeed be playing Olympic hockey in Turin and then again in Vancouver.
posted by NoMich at 09:00 PM on July 22, 2005
this either means something or it means nothing in terms of the profile hockey has - the Crobsy lottery win was "above the fold" front page news on two Pittsburgh front pages I checked today. One included a big shot of his grinning face.
posted by gspm at 12:58 PM on July 23, 2005
Copying from the earlier thread. 30. Tampa Bay. 29. Florida. 28. Dallas. 27. Colorado. 26. Calgary. 25. Edmonton. 24. St. Louis. 23. New Jersey. 22. Boston. 21. Toronto. 20. Philadelphia. 19. Detroit. 18. Nashville. 17. Phoenix. 16. New York Rangers. 15. New York Islanders. 14. Washington. 13. Buffalo. 12. San Jose. 11. Los Angeles. 10. Vancouver. 9. Ottawa. 8. Atlanta. 7. Chicago. 6. Columbus. 5. Montreal. 4. Minnesota. 3. Carolina. 2. Anaheim. 1. Pittsburgh.