This is a sad coincedine or however you spell it-me being a chiefs fan i would know that hank stram is one of the best coaches to ever coach the game
posted by what just happened? at 09:08 AM on July 05, 2005
I remember Stram as the coach of the great KC teams from the AFL days, when they had epic battles with the Raiders. I lived and died as a kid pulling for the Chiefs. And I remeber Hank stalking the sidelines and exhorting his team or berating the refs. He was one of the best and his Super Bowl 4 win was truly deserved. That teams with Lenny Dawson, Otis Taylor, Buch Buchanan, Bobby Bell, Mike Garrett, Ernie Ladd..was probably one of the finest ever put on the field. Hank was a guy who told it like it was. He never held back and that is what is sorely missing in todays broadcasting. Madden has some of it but he has softened in recent years. RIP Hank.
posted by bluekarma at 10:27 AM on July 05, 2005
RIP Hank and please, take that disgraceful animal you wore on your head with you.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 10:40 AM on July 05, 2005
Hank was a classic in more ways than one.
posted by daddisamm at 02:01 PM on July 05, 2005
Matriculate that spirit home.
posted by sumokenobi at 04:18 PM on July 05, 2005
64 Toss Power Sweep....R.I.P. Hank.
posted by stockman1021 at 07:20 PM on July 05, 2005
Mr. Stram will be one of the most remembered and great coaches to go down in history. God Bless Him.
posted by Rage Rod 74 at 11:27 PM on July 05, 2005
Texan lost in NY, show some respect and get your head out of your ass for once!!!
posted by Rage Rod 74 at 11:28 PM on July 05, 2005
Immortalized by NFL Films. 1000 years from now, the NFL will be remembered fondly because NFL Films does such a good job.