The bookies: call the last ones through to the Round of 16: US and Portugal.
On current form, a US win seems more likely than a Portugal win. The US only need a draw against Poland, whereas Portugal must beat S. Korea. Koreans have the advantages of current form (top of table, unbeaten), homeground advantage, and historical precedent (no host country has failed to reach the second round). Portugal has the return of form (4-0 against Poland) and key players (Sousa and Xavier) driving them.
Will the odds hold out or will Korea prevail? (my call: US and Korea)
posted by worldcup2002 to soccer at 02:39 PM - 22 comments
I say Poland...they will win the group when the beat the USA 34-0, while the Portuguese and Korean team disappear on a boat somewhere off the coast of Korea...
posted by StarFucker at 04:13 PM on June 13, 2002
I'm hoping it's US Korea due to purely emotional reasons: I love those Korean fans. Everytime I see them on TV I'm amazed. And if you've gotten a chance to read Michael Davies's column on ESPN it really drives that point hom.
posted by elsoltano at 06:55 PM on June 13, 2002
Great link, elsoltano. A quicker way to Davies's story can be found here. I'd also like to add: USA! USA! USA!
posted by Samsonov14 at 07:31 PM on June 13, 2002
I also pick U.S. & Korea. I think Portugal lost because they flat-out underestimated the States' team. Korea, on the whole, is faster, better at passing, and at least no worse at scoring than the U.S. (in my lowly opinion). If it was a bad idea to underestimate the U.S., then to do so against Korea would be disastrous for the Portuguese. And that's what I expect will happen. As an aside, I also love the Korean fans. Japanese fans may want to take the Cup, but for Korean fans, victory means defeating Japan in the final match with all the world watching. Taking the Cup would just be icing on the cake. "Remote" doesn't even begin to describe the chances of that happening, but Korean fans will dream...
posted by Bixby23 at 04:19 AM on June 14, 2002
U.S. and Portugal. But, after watching Mexico dance around Italy yesterday, not to mention all the other surprises, we Portuguese are all philosophically inclined to expect just about anything. Old-style European football, slow and calculated, result-driven and insensitive to spectacle and entertainment values, seems to be on the way out. It's as if the teams that actually enjoy playing football and give it their all whatever's happening are on their way up - which is good for football but bad for us jaded, ultra-professionalized sides. Still, Portugal always roots equally for Brazil and they seem to be doing well so, if there's an upset with South Korea, the World Cup will still be exciting for us and hopefully Portuguese will be spoken in the final.
posted by Miguel Cardoso at 04:52 AM on June 14, 2002
And of course the US could go ahead and get their ass kicked, letting the Portugese play for a defensive draw. !@#!@#.
posted by tieguy at 07:23 AM on June 14, 2002
Clint Mathis is the worst fucking player I've ever seen. He's been USELESS, U-S-E-L-E-S-S, in this game. He missed a wide-fucking-open shot from 15 feet in the 66th minute. Un. Fucking. Believe. Able. Every other time he seems to touch the ball, he's giving it up to Poland with no effort. Someone shoot that asshole in the leg, he's done. That said, despite the shitty play of the US here, if Korea can hold on to a lead against a 9-man, panicky Portugal team, the US would be sitting at second in the group and actually make the second round. Not that they deserve it, sucking so badly here. That's including the refs stealing a goal from them in the early going, when it would have tied it at 1-1, because a goal was denied when a Polish player put a headlock on an American and the American was called for a the goal-removing foul. Fucking Clint shit-for-brains Mathis. The US won when he wasn't on the field, they've been shit since he showed up.
posted by hincandenza at 08:03 AM on June 14, 2002
(spoilers) Portugal 1-0 down, USA 3-0 down, which means USA-Mexico in the second round unless something changes. And two sent off for Portugal, so that's unlikely. And S. Korea-Italy. Two matches to salivate over.
posted by etagloh at 08:06 AM on June 14, 2002
And that's that. US-Mexico, then. If that doesn't generate a wee bit of interest in the American media, nothing will.
posted by etagloh at 08:24 AM on June 14, 2002
holgate, you ol' so and so! The ending of that portugal/south korea game was tense- portugal had two or three amazing chances, including one off a goal post, a great save, and some not-quite-there headers, any one of which would have put Portugal into the round of 16 at the expense of the USA- as well as several chances for South Korea on a weak defense by Portugal late in the game to make it 2-0. I still say Clint Mathis is a liability for the US, despite that late goal assist. They should seriously consider going with someone else against Mexico...
posted by hincandenza at 08:29 AM on June 14, 2002
I told you guys Poland would win today...i don't know what was up with that team the first 2 games...but now you saw the REAL Poland play...too bad it meant nothing for them....Today's scenario is exactly what i wanted...Poland winning with the USA advancing...good stuff!
posted by StarFucker at 08:46 AM on June 14, 2002
bixby23:u called it. lucky lucky lucky USA. Are they the only team that lost and still went thru?
posted by worldcup2002 at 09:33 AM on June 14, 2002
Portugal certainly didn't deserve to go through, despite its bad luck. What a bunch of tired old farts. I'll be cheering for Brazil from now on.
posted by Miguel Cardoso at 09:36 AM on June 14, 2002
What was up with Figo? He clearly wan't fit. Was he injured, or just plain knackered?
posted by salmacis at 09:41 AM on June 14, 2002
Miguel: I wouldn't say that old style European football is necessarily on the way out just yet. AFAIK this is the first world cup in the far east and I would say that European teams probably don't travel too well. I'd still put money on a European team lifting the Cup. Brazil won't win, their defence is as bad as Germany's. Oh and I feel ever so sorry for Sergio Concecao (apologies to him I just can't spell his name) he's a classy player and deserved better from his teammates. He seems to have been the only one trying for the past three games and to both be quite responsible for conceding the goal (he's definatly not a defender) and to hit the post like that. He was shattered afterwards. p.s. I'd put early money on Portugal for the 2004 Euro Championship if they can get some sort of team spirit together they've got class in abundance.
posted by nedrichards at 09:48 AM on June 14, 2002
salmacis: Yes and Yes. Figo came off a tough season, including winning the Champions League (with Zidane) at Real Madrid. Just five days before the start of the World Cup, he was complaining of his recurring ankle injury, which last scuppered him in February.
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:27 AM on June 14, 2002
This world cup has been interesting in the good/bad traveller sense. Traditionally, but not exclusively, South American teams have done well in South America (I include Mexico here) and European teams in Europe. This one is taking place somewhere entirely different and it's interesting that those who have only really thrived in their "home " territory have bitten the dust first. I cannot recall either France or Argentina doing particularly well when not on their own continent. The success of Japan and Korea proves the rule. As far as Portugal goes, how the hell did Couto stay on the pitch after grabbing the ref by the face? A couple of others manhandled him too. Very lucky boys. Pauleta looks a class and committed act for them , otherwise they appear to be sulky brats. As they have demonstrated before.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:41 PM on June 14, 2002
Fat Buddha: Argentina did reach the final in 1990 in Italy. It's not at all uncommon for teams to reach the final after having to travel to other continents. It's almost a statistical anomoly that only Brazil (once) have managed to win the final one they are there.
posted by salmacis at 05:22 AM on June 15, 2002
That was the year that Diego was an honororay Italian, and Argentina played their first round games in Naples, so it doesn't count. I did say not exclusively.
posted by Fat Buddha at 06:02 AM on June 15, 2002
As far as Portugal goes, how the hell did Couto stay on the pitch after grabbing the ref by the face? Er, Fat Buddha, actually Couto was apologizing for the punch Joćo Pinto had just delivered to the referee's stomach. Here in Portugal, it's reckoned FIFA will suspend Joćo Pinto for a year. Figo, Eusébio and Joćo Pinto himself called on the Argentinian referee after the game to renew the apologies. He filed his report anyway, the bastard. Though he did say Joćo Pinto had been brave to apologize. We're very hot-headed in Portugal. It's embarrassing to be such bad losers but, unfortunately, "bad winning"(gloating, boasting)is considered the greater crime here...
posted by Miguel Cardoso at 05:19 PM on June 15, 2002
Bless you, Ned Richards!
posted by Miguel Cardoso at 05:21 PM on June 15, 2002
After having watched both teams play I believe Portugal is better. If they can match the emotion of the Koreans is another ?. I still favor Portugal.