Ahhh, the prototype for a new 21st century type of geek (and I say that endearingly). Qualifications: -Must have a lot of time on your hands (i.e. single w/ no dating prospects) -Must be obsessive (how long does it take to watch every play of every game 4-5 times each?) -Must have poor verbal communication skills ("I asked him how that all worked and I was immediately sorry because he launched into a long explanation of splitters and A and B switches and toggles") -But, most importantly, must actually know the sport you cover...a qualification that may, all by itself, disqualify most of the tv analysts in any sport I think I will follow his lead and start a similar book for golf now. Wonder what my wife will think of me leaving my job to pursue my sports passion/obsession.
Ahhh, the prototype for a new 21st century type of geek (and I say that endearingly). Qualifications: -Must have a lot of time on your hands (i.e. single w/ no dating prospects) -Must be obsessive (how long does it take to watch every play of every game 4-5 times each?) -Must have poor verbal communication skills ("I asked him how that all worked and I was immediately sorry because he launched into a long explanation of splitters and A and B switches and toggles") -But, most importantly, must actually know the sport you cover...a qualification that may, all by itself, disqualify most of the tv analysts in any sport I think I will follow his lead and start a similar book for golf now. Wonder what my wife will think of me leaving my job to pursue my sports passion/obsession.