Find This Tosser: British bobbies are looking for an arsehole who tossed a lit flare onto the pitch at a Man U football match on 12 March. (American translation: Police seek asshat who threw flare onto field of soccer game March 12.)
In america we call them assholes not hats.
posted by HOE.O.K. at 09:45 AM on June 16, 2005
posted by tieguy at 09:49 AM on June 16, 2005
Great translation...
posted by StarFucker at 10:15 AM on June 16, 2005
Three months and now it's in the news that the police ar looking for this guy? I know justice is slow but damn.
posted by billsaysthis at 03:02 PM on June 16, 2005
Wait until we get cameras. These things will only take a few weeks when we don't have to paint photorealisms. Considering this bloke is stupid enough to make sure his face is seen lit up by a flare before he throws the said flare onto the pitch, I suggest police start looking for a bloke with his eyes closed, his fingers in his ears, singing la la la la....
posted by squealy at 06:25 PM on June 16, 2005
What is about soccer that brings about total anarchy in many various countries?
posted by Rage Rod 74 at 06:36 PM on June 16, 2005
Last I looked our government hadn't fallen just because some muppet threw a flare onto a football pitch. He probably only did it because it was burning his hand. What do you want him to do with it? Throw it into some other section of the crowd? Put it out with his mouth?
posted by squealy at 06:56 PM on June 16, 2005
Not light it in the first place? Unless it was some kind of "no, BUD Light!" misunderstanding, the guy should be looking at a serious criminal charge for endangering people.
posted by rcade at 07:51 PM on June 16, 2005
The only reason this is even "news" is that it's in England where flares are frowned upon. It's de rigeur to light flares in Italian football for instance. We get a programme on Channel 5 here called "America's Wildest Videos" or somesuch title, presented by some ex-policeman. Was I imagining seeing scenes of widespread rioting after various Championship winning/losing hockey, American football, basketball and baseball games?
posted by squealy at 06:50 AM on June 17, 2005
Was I imagining seeing scenes of widespread rioting after various Championship winning/losing hockey, American football, basketball and baseball games? I wouldn't call it quite "widespread" -- that seems to me more like what you'd call city-wide rioting -- but yeah, there are plenty of instances of big-scale crowd misbehavior following various sports championships in the US. I think it's still rare to find people in the US who are of the mindset that is ascribed to football hooligans in Europe (i.e., going to the event purely for the rumble), but there are many, many, many who aren't above joining in crowd-rowdyism that ends in destruction of property, and lately, often in people getting hurt.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:36 AM on June 17, 2005
He tried to set fire to Manchester United... And yet, you say it like it's a BAD thing.