Abracadabra, you're screwed:
As if the Magic weren't having enough problems, there goes Steve Francis for what's likely to be most of the rest of the season for kicking a photographer.
Between Stacey's lotion chuckin', the less than acrimonious parting of Johnny Davis and a sub .500 season in which the best they can hope for is to back into the playoffs and get murdered by the Heat, things are not going too well in Orlando.
Having already drastically retooled by dealing a franchise player yet AGAIN, what can the Magic hope to do in THIS off-season to prevent another creaky year for this constantly teetering team?
posted by forksclovetofu to basketball at 12:14 PM - 7 comments
Yea, there was some on ESPN. All you could see is Francis incoming at the photographer and visibly irritated. However, from what I saw, I couldn't see him actually pysically hitting the photographer.
posted by jmd82 at 03:14 PM on March 20, 2005
Oh, and I meant that the footage comes from the actual photographer who got hit so it's hard to see what really happened.
posted by jmd82 at 03:14 PM on March 20, 2005
Francis should get together with that woman from the Detroit Shock.
posted by holden at 10:49 PM on March 20, 2005
Also, I can actually see why Francis did it. I mean, how's he supposed to go on without Cuttino? Is that really a life worth living?
posted by holden at 10:54 PM on March 20, 2005
Thanks for reminding me about that, holden. I remembered that Francis developed a bit of homoerotic-sounding longing for a traded teammate, but I had forgotten the details. He was also unhappy about being traded to Orlando at all, as I recall. The guy's not going to work out there; he reminds me of how the three J's felt in Dallas. When you couple the Magic's on-court troubles with the fact they may have the worst arena situation in the league, I wouldn't be surprised if they lose the team in the next couple years. I hope that doesn't happen, unless we could get them in Jacksonville.
posted by rcade at 07:59 AM on March 21, 2005
They can't trade Steve Franchise! He's the future! Also who wants him? Maybe the Knicks'd take him, but it'd be a mercy deal. (You know, it's all coming together like I envisioned.)
posted by chicobangs at 02:50 PM on March 21, 2005
Has any video of the incident been released?