Not done yet. : Favre to return in '05-'06.
posted by lil_brown_bat to football at 07:52 PM - 11 comments
I'm glad Brett is coming back...but I hope he plays at a high level. I mean he doesn't need to make the Pro Bowl or anything, but it would be sad to see the Pack falter and then have to spend the last half of the season reading articles about whether or not Favre ought to lose his starting job.
posted by vito90 at 12:12 PM on March 11, 2005
Brett, now that you're 28, do you plan to retire?? How about now... How about now... 31... Now?? How about now... Oh, my freaking god! He plans to play until he's 35!!! He'll be ancient! So, Brett, given retirement any thought?? How about now... Montana played until 39, Elway until 41... Why should Farve retire?? I wish they would have pressured Marino to retire at 33... I'm sure Farve is about to b*tch-slap the next reporter who asks him about retirement, and I'm tired of hearing it too. It's just plain insulting.
posted by LostInDaJungle at 12:35 PM on March 11, 2005
Brett plays a harder brand of game than Elway or (especially) Montana did, and especially with the streak he's probably taken a lot of years off his life, no matter how good care he's taken of himself. Favre at 34 has endured more pounding than Montana ever did. At 28 that talk was ridiculous, but now? Yeah, it's year to year, and that makes sense.
posted by chicobangs at 01:05 PM on March 11, 2005
Well, Brett had a pretty mediocre year last year - but how can you not be a fan of this guy. Just the way he plays - not in the way Al Michaels verbally felates him every game; that can be a little grating.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 01:42 PM on March 11, 2005
not in the way Al Michaels verbally felates him every game; that can be a little grating. especially for Favre; it's not widely known, but Al Michaels has a sandpapery cat tongue.
posted by cobra! at 02:21 PM on March 11, 2005
I'd say Favre was more than mediocre - he made some awful throws at bad times, almost like he had lost his ability to read the field. He should get out just so he's remembered well for his great years and not a dismal endgame.
posted by kokaku at 02:42 PM on March 11, 2005
Last season was, let us hope, an exceptionally bad one for Favre -- if for no other reason than all the grief and distress in his personal life. Think about it: if you were a salesdroid at the 7-11 and had that kind of stuff going on, you'd probably lose it and start pelting the customers with 40 ounce slurpees and Big Bite hot dogs. It's a wonder he did as well as he did. I've got a soft spot for the guy in my heart; I hope he has a bang-up year (and, not so incidentally, maybe shows Peyton Manning what it really means to pay yer dues).
posted by lil_brown_bat at 03:56 PM on March 11, 2005
Brett plays a harder brand of game than Elway or (especially) Montana did, and especially with the streak he's probably taken a lot of years off his life, no matter how good care he's taken of himself. Nonsense.... Elway was every bit the scrambler that Farve is, and his most famous moments involve him flying through the air after getting hit. Montana was not as Physical as Farve, but still took his share of poundings. Namath played without knees in this league for 4 years. I don't see what part of Farve is breaking down?? Bad knees, bad back, concussions?? What physical ailment should be making Farve consider retirement?? He made a bootyload of bad reads last year... Alzheimers??
posted by LostInDaJungle at 04:41 PM on March 11, 2005
That giant wave of hot air cascading across the country was John Madden breathing a huge sigh of relief that Favre will play next season. Favre is good and entertaining to watch, but if he was just one-quarter as good as Madden makes him out to be, construction would already be taking place on his own wing in Canton. Favre will play a year or two more, have some really good games, some really horrible games, and the Packers will continue to be also-rans in the NFL, the reason for that being he makes far too many crucial mistakes anymore to ever take his team far in the playoffs (if they make it).
posted by dyams at 10:43 AM on March 12, 2005 would already be taking place on his own wing in Canton. I'd say, thanks to his vocal and influential fan club blowing smoke up Brett's sore ass and into the cameras and column inches, that's probably already happening. I agree in that when he does retire, you'll hear these guys call him the Best QB Ever, which is not only wrong, but except for a commercial break or two in 1996, there's always been three or four QBs who were better at the time. Look, I'm glad he landed in Green Bay and brought them a championship and gave that franchise a face and an build-on-the-past identity they'll be able to market for the next quarter-century. And sure, he belongs in the Hall, and Lombardi knows he'll get there on the first ballot. But the canonization can stop any time.
posted by chicobangs at 11:19 PM on March 12, 2005
Favre to play one more seaon, nothing left to prove! Now lets give the man a grand sendoff if it is to be this year. If not, lets sit back and watch the record holder for consecutive games, stretch a streak that may never be matched. Lets watch his love for the game drive him, for that is what young players need to see. Finally, its time for the Packers to draft a QB and have him learn behind Favre.