Jim Rome Can Kiss His Chass: "The worst development in sports is talk radio." -- New York Times baseball writer Murray Chass
I didn't think the conversation was any great shakes, but I am itrigued by the Google ads on this page. "Meet Hot a Blonde" at plentyoffish.com, and two bites on caring for your afro ... what the hell?
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:01 PM on March 08, 2005
I thought that was good dialogue, too bad Chass didn't elaborate. This question has been pressing at me recently. Sports talk in Seattle is so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, bad. KJR-950's hosts are for the most part pitiful, not in the way Murray Chass alludes to, but in their own, unique smelly way. There is a smaller competing station that carries ESPN Radio, and I listen to it, even though it's mostly static. I wonder if the medium is what makes it so bad. Even Dan Patrick sucks ass on the radio.
posted by vito90 at 02:10 AM on March 09, 2005
Even Dan Patrick sucks ass on the radio. Funny you say that. I listen to his radio show at my desk, and he often times comes off as so full of himself, yet just a few hours later on the air he is as personable as anyone. I think part of it can be attributed to the medium. The only athlete I ever liked to watch being led by reporters questions is Carl Everett. You never knew what he was going to say.
posted by usfbull at 09:58 AM on March 09, 2005
I heard this on WNYC and thought it was pretty ironic that a sportswriter is on the radio decrying the impact of sports talk radio as the worst thing to happen to sports. Of course, he could be right but I'll still listen.