Move Over Dan Snyder: Sally Anthony, the American Basketball Association team owner who tried to fire her Nashville Rhythm coach mid-game, followed it by attempting suicide with pills, alcohol, and scissors, according to a 911 call.
posted by rcade to basketball at 09:11 AM - 8 comments
yikes, that's a scary website. who poses for a publicity shot with a bruise?
posted by garfield at 09:43 AM on February 02, 2005
I laughed when I read this. And then I felt badly, because suicide is not funny. But then I laughed a little bit again.
posted by xmutex at 03:52 PM on February 02, 2005
Tremendous post. Thanks. "I'm giving this album a negative 4 (-4) stars and one middle finger. It's music like this that drove Elvis to kill himself."
posted by yerfatma at 04:06 PM on February 02, 2005
Garf - that's her album cover. And that is the best negative review I've heard in a long time.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 04:41 PM on February 02, 2005
Ok, but who poses for an album cover with a bruise? Iggy Pop, I suppose.
posted by yerfatma at 05:19 PM on February 02, 2005
I refuse to listen to any of the songs, but I'm guessing bruised Sally is going for the same abused-woman of hardship country music vibe as Tammy Wynette and Loretta Lynn.
posted by rcade at 09:29 PM on February 02, 2005
Sally Anthony devolves into Courtney Love in 3...2...1...
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:27 PM on February 03, 2005
Call it a knee-jerk Redskins-fan reaction, but what does this have to do with Snyder? And as for Ms. Anthony, I hope she gets well and gets help. Weird story.