hockey stories: from the heart, sent into Eklund's rumor blog, the anonymous Philly hockey reporter, which should become part of a story you'll be seeing soon
i think his postings carry quite a bit of value, though he does overplay the 'proposal coming tomorrow' bit, and should leave it as 'negotiations continue' because that IS the story. Now that bettman and goodenow are out of the picture, things are finally starting to happen. But who knows if anything will happen..... re: the letters, I just like hearing from other disillusioned hockey fans like myself.
posted by garfield at 02:00 PM on February 01, 2005
I check Ecklund's site every day even though I'm pretty sure he's full of shit. Maybe he has some good sources and maybe he doesn't, but what I know for sure is that nothing he's predicted has happened so far.
posted by Samsonov14 at 04:10 PM on February 01, 2005
some great insight on what the player's strategery should have focused on: "two elements essential to any negotiations - undoing the mistakes of the past dozen years and redefining the hiring process and the job description of the league's commissioner." [via hockey pundits]
posted by garfield at 04:58 PM on February 01, 2005
I'm waiting for any of the things Eklund's been posting over the last week to, you know, come (even partly) true. I think his hockey stories blog is a few months too late if he is right about a deal being made this week. As for a story in newspapers I am sure it is fine to run a story like that now but the immediacy of the web/blog format suggests to me that he could have been doing this for a long time rather than starting now, right before a deal is made (as he suggests).