"I am Pat [expletive] Tillman, damn it!": Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire April 22 as he tried to signal his platoon they were shooting at the wrong people, an accident the Army intentionally covered up, according to Sunday's Washington Post.
If you'd like to read the article without handing over information to the Washington Post or the London Times, try this link for the first half of the story and this link for the second half, courtesy of MSNBC.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:19 PM on December 06, 2004
Amazing. I really appreciate the way the military brass says they were just following procedure. It's nice to know that lying and concealing evidence from the families of the dead is the way the U.S. Army does business.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:22 PM on December 06, 2004
An Army coverup on the death of one of this conflict's most famous enlistees. Makes you wonder how many other coverups the Army is up to on not-so-famous kids over there.
posted by roberts at 04:37 PM on December 06, 2004
This is so sad.
posted by rocketman at 08:01 PM on December 06, 2004
Jeez. Think of the well-meaning naifs who joined up after Tillman died. Wanna bet they're being "stop-lossed" right now?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:13 PM on December 06, 2004
Honestly, I wonder if and how the false story helped recruitment numbers...and I wonder if the cover up will hurt recruitment? Sarcastically, being surrounded by a bunch of 'army of one's ain't what the commercials make it out to be.