Flash Friday: Driving Mad: Like golf and duck hunt combined.
posted by Ufez Jones to golf at 02:30 PM - 5 comments
I've been playing this a lot for the past few days, and I still haven't gotten as far as I did on the first try, the level where you have to land 10 balls on the green.
posted by corpse at 02:46 PM on July 02, 2004
You're aboslutely right, rocketman. This game is infuriating. I cannot get past round two. Hell I can't even land one ball on round 2. Also, you have no way to control when you begin your swing (the power meter). It'd be nice if you could click to start it, so you could take in the birds and the wind and, you know, the moment. But the direction meter toggles back and forth, use that to wait for your birdies to fly by. Anyone hit a target yet?
posted by Ufez Jones at 04:55 PM on July 02, 2004
You pretty much have to hit the targets in the later levels. I've gotten several hole in ones as well.
posted by corpse at 06:40 PM on July 02, 2004
I've hit a couple of targets, holes in one and got to the point where you need to land 9 balls in 90 seconds. Fail there most of the time now.
posted by grum@work at 08:32 PM on July 02, 2004
Not fun. Not fun at all, especially when you have that awful, awful water hazard. Also, you have no way to control when you begin your swing (the power meter). It'd be nice if you could click to start it, so you could take in the birds and the wind and, you know, the moment. Of course, it's totally addictive.