Inside Jersey Girl: On the radio this morning (KFOG), the DJs were talking with Mike Krukow, former pitcher/current Giants radio announcer. He said in his experience you can understand a baseball fan by where in the US they live: West Coast fans relate to their team as they do to their children, Midwest fans as they do to their wives and East Coast fans to their god. Makes sense to me.
posted by billsaysthis to baseball at 08:22 PM - 6 comments
Is he saying that East Coasters are all a bunch of fanatics? If he is, I'll rip his eyes out and feast on the goo that pours forth.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 01:24 PM on June 19, 2004
Weedy, just remember to have someone take photos and post them here. I think that would justify an FPP.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:55 PM on June 19, 2004
All I know is that my Milwaukee Brewers get my unconditional love and support year after year, no matter how badly they may fuck things up for themselves and me in the process. It is a partnership borne of strife, but fueled by commitment to a cause, and I must say the sex life has never been hotter than this season! I think firing Ulice Payne as our marriage counselor worked wonders...
posted by evixir at 11:53 PM on June 19, 2004
Having lived in or around NYC my whole life, I can tell you that there is a certain type of Yankees fan that is only along for the ride until the current run of good teams is over. To be sure, there are many die hard Yankees fans that are every bit as rabid as the most fanatic Red Sox supporter, but the Yankees do tend to attract some fair-weather fans. Is there a theological equivalent for this, or do these people not count as true fans?
posted by psmealey at 07:47 AM on June 20, 2004
i guess you can liken those fair-weather fans to the easter/christmas catholics. you know, those people who only show up to church on the big holidays for one reason or another.
posted by goddam at 09:33 AM on June 20, 2004
Maybe some truth to this. God often disappoints me, almost as much as the red sox. My grandmother, who died in her 80s, was a devout catholic and red sox fan. She never missed mass, and never missed a red sox game.