The campaign to make baseball's opening day a national holiday.: I'm down, can I get off work too?
You mean it's not a national holiday? Wow, it's a wonder I haven't been fired for missing it (9 years in a row now and counting). Unfortunately, the Braves are on the road on opening day this year, so I'm not sure what I'll do.
posted by trox at 09:37 AM on March 09, 2004
You'll live, trox. Ours is a Mets office, and I don't know who's going to opening day, but there will be radios on all over, and not a lot of work will get done. Kind of like December 23rd.
posted by chicobangs at 09:47 AM on March 09, 2004
Why would a Mets game disrupt anything?
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:54 AM on March 09, 2004
I'll be going to Shea on Day 1 this year (if I'm not on the road). I used to cut classes in high school to do the same thing. I could care less if it's a national holiday... I already take it as one.
posted by 86 at 10:05 AM on March 09, 2004
Why would a Mets game disrupt anything? When they start throwing stuff around the office in disgust, it tends to take away from the work ;)
posted by bcb2k2 at 10:06 AM on March 09, 2004
It's more the inconvenience than anything else, really. (I believe that's the Mets' official slogan this year.) Hereabouts, it's as much an anti-Yankee backlash as it is that everyone here is from Jersey or Long Island. FWIW, I stopped supporting baseball after the '94 strike, but I still take great joy in Yankee-bashing.
posted by chicobangs at 10:09 AM on March 09, 2004
Since when does declaring anything a national holiday give anyone the day off? Waxing cynical,
posted by lil_brown_bat at 12:21 PM on March 09, 2004
When they start throwing stuff around the office in disgust, it tends to take away from the work I assume you are still referring to the Mets here.
posted by Skot at 01:29 PM on March 09, 2004
As a tradiationalist I would be behind this only of the Reds were the only team to play on that day. But opening day is pretty much a holiday here as is.
posted by mick at 02:25 PM on March 09, 2004
hah. that'd be nice. i've never had to lie to take that day off. it's just understood around the office. some people take off Yom Kippur, some take off Good Friday... I take off Opening Day.