Ricky Williams has cut his hair.: The shocked populace holds their collective breath for an official word from run-ricky-run.com. In the meantime, he's launched himself up my preseason fantasy draft ranking. I mean, seriously, that hair had to weigh like.. 30 pounds.
Damn, I can't call him "Predator" no more. Oh well, as long as he keeps flying his freak flag high, it's all good.
posted by NoMich at 08:30 AM on March 08, 2004
He looks positively... normal now. I guess the hardest part of training camp is going to be the re-padding of his helmet. (I hope it's not a Samson & Delilah thing!)
posted by chicobangs at 06:03 PM on March 08, 2004
My nominee for the next haircut: Al Harris.