He'll always have XXXVI and XXXVIII.: Wasting no time, instead of paying the $500k bonus, the Patriots have decided not to exercise their option on Antowain Smith for next year.
posted by jerseygirl to football at 10:59 PM - 13 comments
I had heard some rumors that the Skins were interseted in Smith, for one reason or another. Maybe he winds up there...
posted by bcb2k2 at 11:45 PM on February 08, 2004
I think a fifth round pick with a bad knee could fill any holes left by Antowain Smith's departure. He is definitely a mediocre back on a good day.
posted by pivo at 11:45 PM on February 08, 2004
I think pivo overstates it a little, but it is true, Smith was a standout on a team with a so-so running game. He ran well in the Super Bowl, but I think a lot of that is due to the offensive line (which ain't exactly the biggest and beefiest in the NFL) creating some good openings. Tell ya what I thought was the best run of the Super Bowl...how about that direct snap to Kevin Faulk? Talk about a "he did what??!?!!?" momen...
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:05 AM on February 09, 2004
Talk about not getting very long to savor the memories ... but this is the right move for the Patriots. They need a bigger back to switch in and out with Kevin Faulk, and that will be either a pick-up on the free-agent market or a third- or fourth-round pick.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:47 AM on February 09, 2004
I thought A.Smith was a solid bigger back? What do I know? But I get the feeling this is another Stephen Davis all over again.
posted by garfield at 09:53 AM on February 09, 2004
Antowain Smith is a fine back, but he is not an irreplacable back. It is a shame to lose him, but the Patriots didn't make it to the Super Bowl on the strength of their running game. Of course, I am the fifth person to write this same thing.
posted by Joey Michaels at 01:41 PM on February 09, 2004
For anyone who has NFL Street, that direct snap to Kevin Faulk immediately brings thoughts of RB BAM.
posted by swank6 at 05:34 PM on February 09, 2004
Does that work well in NFL Street? Got it yesterday and I've been sticking to off-tackle runs and sweeps. The Bam seems like you need to catch the defense with no nose tackle.
posted by yerfatma at 05:42 PM on February 09, 2004
It usually works for a couple yards, but usually not more. It's good when you need to convert 3rd or 4th and short, or you're at the goal line.
posted by swank6 at 11:07 PM on February 09, 2004
Well, on the goal line I usually go with Flats or one other pass play to get the extra extra point.
posted by yerfatma at 06:49 PM on February 10, 2004
Sometimes, I like to do the special twirly move in Britney's Dance Party.
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:24 PM on February 10, 2004
That game's friggin' hard, brutha.
posted by yerfatma at 06:43 AM on February 12, 2004
The Pats have a lot of draft picks (an abnormal amount I understand?) and should probably be able to fill that runningback spot out of the draft. Like seeing Lawyer Milloy elsewhere, it will be weird to see Antowain in another uniform.