The 25th Annual Dallas Cup is welcoming a youth team from Afghanistan at this year's tournament.: "Afghanistan has endured nearly 25 years of war, hardship and isolation. As with any country emerging from such a dark past, its future lies in the hands of its youth. Our Under 14 team represents the footballing future of the country. The opportunity for these young men to travel to the USA, to compete with so many nations, and most importantly, to live with American families is incredibly valuable. It will not only enhance their footballing skills, it will provide them with a unique experience. That experience which will do much to increase their understanding of the wider world with which they will have to engage as they grow up" -- (more inside)
posted by Ufez Jones to soccer at 10:25 AM - 4 comments
Oh, I forgot to add, anyone in the D/FW area (or willing to travel) that wants to go catch a few games, especially of these teams, let me know, I'll probably be out there anyways.
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:27 AM on February 05, 2004
That's really, really cool. If you see a 'donate money' link somewhere, let us know... I'd do it.
posted by tieguy at 10:33 AM on February 05, 2004
Very cool. A TV special on this event by ESPN, FSW or even PBS would be spectacular, I imagine, but somehow I doubt anyone will do it.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:14 PM on February 05, 2004
For those not in the know, the Dallas Cup is probably the world's largest youth soccer tourney, bringing in over 140 teams from around the world in various age groups. Past alumni include Beckham, Owen, and Claudio Reyna (and last year, Freddy Adu played). Another big storyline this year is the possibility of a combined Israeli/Palestenian youth team. The Dallas Morning News is the only site I can find reporting it so far, but they're registration is a bitch, so here's a summary of their report:
Behold, the power of sport.