The Kidd to Spurs talks are back.: This time, a trade sending Kidd to the Spurs for Tony Parker, Ron Mercer, and Robert Horry. Good idea for both sides? Maybe. The Nets would get out from under that 6-year $105 million contract. The Spurs, while playing fairly well, have stumbled in the big games, going 0-7 this year against the other big 4 Western Conf. teams (Mavs, LA, Kings, T-wolves). Any other big trades that you think should be done? Deadline is February 19th (I believe). Is 'Sheed going somewhere? Will Cuban make another line-up change?
posted by Ufez Jones to basketball at 10:54 AM - 4 comments
As a Portland resident, and beleaguered Blazers fan, I can tell you that all anyone talks about here is 'Sheed. The latest rumor, and the one I actually think I like the best, is 'Sheed for Nick Van Exel and Erick Dampier. We'd toss Dale Davis to anyone with a crappy pick and some cash at that point... To think that we traded Jermaine O'Neal for the sack of worthlessness that is Dale Davis still pisses me off to no end. I still like 'Sheed and I really don't care that our team is the one that gets caught smoking weed, but the trades and drafts over the last several years sicken me. Talk all the trash you want about the JailBlazers, but almost everything that sucks about our team can be squarely blamed on Trader Bob Whitsitt.
posted by togdon at 06:04 PM on January 30, 2004
I'd actually be happy to see Nicky V headed to a non-bottomdwelling team. I went to the first Mavs/Golden State game here in Dallas this year and he got a rousing round of applause during the intros and anytime he did something good. I think Dallas was the only place he left on good terms with. He and Zac Randolph could be one hell of a duo, although definitely not good enough to make a major push against the big 5 of the West.
posted by Ufez Jones at 07:04 PM on January 30, 2004
The paper here in the South Bay seems to be leaning towards Dampier getting a max extension or something like it so not sure if he'll be traded so quickly.
posted by billsaysthis at 09:17 PM on January 30, 2004
Why would any team want to get out from under an $100 million contract for the best point guard in the league? Are the Nets tired of being in the playoffs?