Wear your woolies. : Home field advantage for the Patriots on Saturday night? Well, maybe. It looks like it's going to be so cold that, as my brother puts it, "Those guys are gonna try and catch a pass and their fingers are just gonna break off."
posted by lil_brown_bat to football at 09:18 AM - 16 comments
Better lock this little guy up
posted by MeatSaber at 10:51 AM on January 08, 2004
Similar temps in Philly for the Eagles-Packers game although both teams are used to the cold weather.
posted by mbd1 at 12:03 PM on January 08, 2004
"What Lies Ahead: I think this is where it ends for the Titans. They can stop the run, but so what? The Patriots' run game is merely an annoyance, not an integral part of their offense. It's all short passes and clever little slip screens and tricky throwbacks and stuff. Offensive coordinator Charlie Weis is desperate to be a head coach, and you don't get noticed by running the ball. An owner has to be convinced you're a genius. Miserable weather, which is always a possibility in Foxboro in January, favors this kind of attack because the defenders slip and then a five-yard pass breaks for 25. And Tom Brady knows how to run the attack better than anybody. He's the Rich Gannon of 2003, minus a few shaky moments -- usually at the beginning of a game -- that he's always managed to overcome. I don't like McNair in this weather. I don't like McNair in this weather, especially on an off-track, given the condition of his legs. I think the Titans will come out banging, hoping George can soften the Patriots up, and I won't even begin to predict what kind of defense New England will put up to control this kind of attack. Maybe a 4-4, which I've actually seen Bill Belichick use. Nasty game, nasty weather, low scoring. PATRIOTS 13, TITANS 10. " -- cnnsi.com
posted by jerseygirl at 12:31 PM on January 08, 2004
I think the Pats can keep them under ten. The under in this game looks like a hell of a bet.
posted by Bernreuther at 02:20 PM on January 08, 2004
high of 11? That's fucking paradise compared to here... Rochester has a high of 7!
posted by Bernreuther at 02:24 PM on January 08, 2004
"No! We're the coldest!" "No! We are!" Saturday's forecast, according to my little Weatherbug. Saturday Mostly sunny. Highs around 10. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph. Wind chill reading as low as 20 below. Saturday Night Mostly clear. Lows near zero.
posted by jerseygirl at 02:27 PM on January 08, 2004
Bernreuther, you're in Rochester? I thought you resided in Buffalo!
posted by jasonspaceman at 03:10 PM on January 08, 2004
Weatherbug? Isn't that spyware?
posted by hincandenza at 03:25 PM on January 08, 2004
no. and it never comes up with AdAware as such. it just has some ads in the sidebar, and i never put in correct user info anyway, besides a nearby zipcode.
posted by jerseygirl at 03:38 PM on January 08, 2004
Bernreuther, you're in Rochester? I thought you resided in Buffalo! It's hard to tell until Spring. If there's rust on the ground after the snow melts, you're in Buffalo. I can attest to the fact Rah-cha-cha is waaay colder than New England (excepting certain parts of Maine, perhaps). After Rochester, the wind never blows so cold again . . .
posted by yerfatma at 03:56 PM on January 08, 2004
bah - for NE nastiness, they should play up here (check the wind speeds) the highest point in NE
posted by kokaku at 04:00 PM on January 08, 2004
According to Yahoo! Weather it's 62 degrees right now but I was just outside walking around it seemed more like 70, with nice blue skies. Suckers!
posted by billsaysthis at 04:26 PM on January 08, 2004
born in oswego, college in ithaca, two years in the bay area, now back in rochester. roch is close enough to buff. anyway, I know all about cold. I remember more than a few -20 windchill days in outdoor hockey rinks like Auburn or Ithaca. Not fun at all.
posted by Bernreuther at 05:21 PM on January 08, 2004
cool. It's good to see someone from Rochester on a 'filter site, especially this one.
posted by jasonspaceman at 03:26 PM on January 09, 2004
Keith Bulluck, rhetoricist: "[T]his week we are facing a New England team that hasn't lost since we played them back in early October." Yeah Keith, except you didn't beat them.
posted by yerfatma at 09:49 AM on January 10, 2004
Damn. Glad for once it's not the Fins... that would be ugly :)