Mississippi Welfare Scandal Timeline: Brett Favre And The Volleyball Stadium: Between 2016 and 2019, the Mississippi Department of Human Services and nonprofits associated with it allegedly misspent more than tens of millions of dollars in federal Temporary Assistance For Needy Families funds that should have gone to the poorest families in the poorest state. More than $5 million of those funds went toward a volleyball-stadium project at the University of Southern Mississippi favored by retired NFL quarterback Brett Favre and $1.1 million went to Favre himself.
Mississippi Today has also done some strong work on this. Listened to an interview Dan LeBatard did with Anna Wolfe about her reporting on this, and all I can say is, Favre should be in prison.
Just a thoroughly awful person. You can't stress the point enough that he conspired to take money from the poorest people in the poorest state in America to enrich himself and his family.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 01:36 AM on October 05, 2022
Thank you for following this and keeping it visible on SpoFi.
I don't know what retribution is ultimately coming to the scumbag, but I hope it's bountiful.
Can he be kicked out of the HOF? If so, go ahead.