Yankees manager Joe Torre reveals painful family past.: But that house was also filled with terror. Joe’s father kept them all in a constant state of fear. His violent attacks on their mother and humiliating verbal assaults on his children were a regular occurrence. And, the obligatory link to Joe Toore's "Safe at Home" foundation.
posted by Ufez Jones to baseball at 05:35 PM - 4 comments
Is this the first time he's come forth with this info? I always liked Torre (removing the whole Yankees stigma from him, I think he's a real standup guy.
posted by jerseygirl at 12:32 PM on November 13, 2003
I've always respected Joe Torre because of his control in a game where so many managers and players lose it. He is calm and in control at all times, and appears to really like his job, the game, respect his players and the game, and seems like the kind of guy you could sit down with and have a beer and a chat, no matter how famous he gets. This makes me like and respect him even more. I can't imagine growing up with that. Kudos and respect to his brother Frank. The balls to stand up to a father like that... oh my. Good for he and his wife for talking about this and starting a foundation for it. If you have the means, it's so important to try to do something to change the world-or even just your small part of it. Great link. Thanks.
posted by aacheson at 01:32 PM on November 13, 2003
The Foundation appears to have been around for a little while, jg, so I would imagine that it hasn't been a darkly guarded secret. However, I believe this interview is probably the most extensive and maintstream (i.e. not in a strictly sports venue) to date. It's the first I've heard him extrapolate so much information about it, although it seems like I've heard something about it in the past. And yeah, as much as I dislike the Yanks, it's hard to root against a guy like Joe Torre. That's why I focus on the Jeters and Giambis.
posted by Ufez Jones at 01:36 PM on November 13, 2003
incredibly brave.