Astros Exec Wrote Email Seeking to Steal Signs: As evidence mounts of the team's persistent scheme to steal signs, Houston Astros executives actually put their efforts in writing, according to their emails obtained by The Atlantic. "One thing in specific we are looking for is picking up signs coming out of the dugout," a 2017 email states. "What we are looking for is how much we can see, how we would log things, if we need cameras/binoculars, etc. So go to game, see what you can (or can't) do and report back your findings." Jomboy offers his take.
The whole NCAA "vacate" thing is silly and I would hope intelligent people wouldn't think of adapting the same thing.
- MLB hasn't "vacated" an MVP award to a player who has later admitted cheating during that season. Why would they do that for a championship?
- NCAA themselves do a terrible job at "vacating" titles, as they still list the team in the "champion" column on their own damn website. If they truly cared about "vacating", that 2013 champion field would be blank, instead of the weak "asterisk and see below" indicator.
posted by grum@work at 11:59 PM on November 17, 2019
Vacate the championship? Erase any individual statistics? Serious $$ fine for sure. Loss of draft picks, 1-3-5 1sts?