Roger Bannister has Passed Away: Roger Bannister, the first man to run a mile in less than 4 minutes has died. The feat was accomplished in 1954. We had a small black and white TV, and film of it was shown on the sports news. I also remember seeing it in the newsreels at the movies. It was a really big deal then, but now even high school kids are running under 4 minutes
upstart colonist tabloid
beaverboard, I do believe we might find a spot of tea in Boston Harbor. My Dad's ancestors were evacuated from New York to Nova Scotia in 1783. Loyalists (Tories) all the way. My fault to miss the knighthood; I should have known better.
posted by Howard_T at 08:06 PM on March 04, 2018
Nova Scotia must have been a wise choice of safe haven for Loyalists. At that time, the place still possessed much of its stunning Acadian forest, with the massive stands of pine being requisitioned for use as ship's masts by the Royal Navy. Also, Halifax was already an important military port and staging center. I can't picture much sympathizer unrest being allowed to take root there.
They sure timbered the hell out of the poor peninsula. I can't imagine what it must have looked like in the mid 18th century.
posted by beaverboard at 09:17 PM on March 04, 2018
Nova Scotia is still beautiful. A late September visit with a drive along the Cabot Trail needs to be on everyone's list.
posted by cixelsyd at 03:52 PM on March 05, 2018
That was a good article, except for the fact that it was carried by an upstart colonist tabloid and mentioned nothing of his knighthood, as a proper British article would have done from the outset. It's hard to imagine him being referred to as anything but Sir Roger.