It only took 95 years.: The Cubbies advance in the postseason. You heard it here first: if Wood and Prior stay healthy, they are going all the way.
posted by Prince Valium to baseball at 10:01 PM - 16 comments
Getting ahead of yourself aren't you jerseygirl? I mean, Pedro is pitching today after all!
posted by trox at 08:05 AM on October 06, 2003
Go Marlins!
posted by corpse at 08:16 AM on October 06, 2003
Yeah - glad to see Atlanta and San Fran toast. Cubs can make it now.... They match up well wth the Marlins. OK, granted with that starting rotation looking fit and fine, they match up well with anyone. Cubs and Red Sox! Cubs and Red Sox!
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:24 AM on October 06, 2003
"If they stay healthy" is an odd thing to say at the end of the season. You're also tempting fate, and fate hates the Cubs. So, who had Cubs-Marlins in the preseason NLCS pool?
posted by rcade at 08:53 AM on October 06, 2003
Great... Super...
posted by StarFucker at 09:59 AM on October 06, 2003
I'm not afraid of checking my predictions. All in all, not terrible. The two teams that I had in the World Series are still alive. I had predicted that the Marlins would be pretty good, but not this good. OK, OK so I totally screwed up the NL west, but I totally nailed the Cubbies winning the division and Glavine stinking up Shea. But I'm still pulling for a Red-Sox/Cubbies world series. C'mon Pedro, pitch 'em a gem.
posted by trox at 10:11 AM on October 06, 2003
Getting ahead of yourself aren't you jerseygirl? I mean, Pedro is pitching today after all! I have decided, as I do every year, on a team that I will jump on the bandwagon for should the Red Sox not advance. There's a certain formula to this each year based on who gave us grief during the season (Jack McKeon bugged me this year), who was an underdog who did good (Anaheim last year, for example) and if the Yankees make it. This year it's the Cubs. We're of similar ilk, siblings in misery. If we aren't going to see a Red Sox/Cubs World Series, I want to see some deserving fans achieve bliss, so I am all about the Cubs.
posted by jerseygirl at 10:29 AM on October 06, 2003
So, who had Cubs-Marlins in the preseason NLCS pool? Back to the Future II.
FWIW, I can see the Cubs winning the WS, but you can't do it just on the backs of two pitchers. That's incredibly rare- Arizona has two sure-fire first-ballot hall of famers, and still nearly didn't pull it off. posted by tieguy at 10:33 AM on October 06, 2003
Dusty Baker will find a way to blow it. Maybe not in the LCS, but Cubs will not win the WS with him at the helm.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:26 PM on October 06, 2003
Actually, since the NL is guaranteed to have a 'never won the WS as a manager' managed-team and the AL will if the Yankees don't make it (HA!), I wonder if this is a first, or at least a first since there've been more than, say, 20 WS.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:29 PM on October 06, 2003
What tieguy said. It's the difference between a five game series and a seven game series.
posted by Bryant at 01:43 PM on October 06, 2003
For all the talk of how "the curse has been lifted" and "95 years have ended", if the Cubs go on to lose the ALCS or the WS, do Cubs fans still feel that way?
posted by Jaquandor at 02:51 PM on October 06, 2003
I'm in favor of the Cubs winning the Series simply because I still snicker every time someone says "Wood." /childish stupidity Cubs fans will have the curse lifted to some extent, J, but not totally. Being in the Midwest and around a lot of Cub backers, they are thrilled ... but they're also waiting for the Marlins to suddenly rise up and smite them. It's part of being a Chicago fan, I think, in the same fashion Red Sox fans immediately think doom when they are three runs up. A trip to the Series, however, would exorcise all demons for the Cubbies. Boston is a whole 'nother story.
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:30 PM on October 06, 2003
billsaysthis: Actually, since the NL is guaranteed to have a 'never won the WS as a manager' managed-team and the AL will if the Yankees don't make it (HA!), I wonder if this is a first, or at least a first since there've been more than, say, 20 WS. Neither Jim Leyland nor Mike Hargrove had won a WS when their teams met in '97. Leyland hadn't even managed *in* a WS. Some others that come to mind: 1986 - Davey Johnson, John McNamara 1983 - Paul Owens, Joe Altobelli 1980 - Dallas Green, Jim Frey 1975 - Sparky Anderson, Darrell Johnson
posted by Motown Mike at 07:22 PM on October 07, 2003
Well, guess this baseball non-lover didn't pay close enough attention, Motown. Color me muy embarassed. NOT
posted by billsaysthis at 07:51 PM on October 07, 2003
I hope so!!