Not a hockey fan? : Watch this guy, and you might just change your mind. He's stuck playing in Nashville, known more for honky-tonk than hockey, but make the effort to watch a game or two. I visited my uncle in Manitoba last winter, and he descibed people driving hundreds of miles, so that's alot of kilometer(re)s, just to watch him play. As you can tell, I'm pretty geeked to see him step on the ice.
maybe...he's supposedly awesome to watch; hits much bigger than his size, and skates like the wind. It could've been the moonshine, but the way my uncle told it, he's definitely worth the price of admission.
posted by garfield at 12:43 PM on October 02, 2003
Hi, yeah - Tootoo is unlikely to win any scoring races but he is a hitting machine. The PR has him a bit too hyped according to what I've read - but he has that Tie Domi instant fan favorite thing going on. Plus, his last name is Tootoo. That can only help.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 12:48 PM on October 02, 2003
Just wait until some other team signs ThreeThree, then another gets FourFour. It's a numbers race!
posted by billsaysthis at 01:06 PM on October 02, 2003
He was entertaining to watch at the World Junior Championship. He's a ball of energy on the ice. His role apparently is to hit every player in sight for the duration of his shift. Fun to watch, and I wish him well. I'm still not gonna root for the Preds, though.
posted by Succa at 01:07 PM on October 02, 2003
Great post, I wouldn't have heard about it otherwise. (Yes I'm still alive people, its just that my college started an ice hockey club team and I'm incredibly busy nowadays)
posted by insomnyuk at 04:10 PM on October 02, 2003
insomnyuk, please tell me you're the goalie!
posted by billsaysthis at 04:38 PM on October 02, 2003
I'm sorry, but every time I see his name I always think of this... Mordecai Richler? Really?
posted by grum@work at 09:17 PM on October 02, 2003
Nope, I'm a center/wing or defense. Anything but goalie. For some reason my teammates aim for my head when I put on the goalie pads.
posted by insomnyuk at 01:18 AM on October 03, 2003
Mordecai did write the Jacob T.T. book(s), grum...
posted by Succa at 08:39 AM on October 03, 2003
Go that guy! Or do I just want to see him succeed because he is Inuit?