Bart Starr's Back Injury Was From Brutal Hazing at Alabama: "For more than 60 years, Bart Starr and his wife, Cherry, have kept a dark secret hidden away from the narrative of the Hall of Fame quarterback's career. No more. One of the most respected football players in the history of the game, and arguably one of the toughest, was hazed so badly while at the University of Alabama that it derailed his college career, disqualified him from military service and affected him throughout his 16 years with the Green Bay Packers."
Hazing is particularly stupid when you're dishing out life-long injuries to members of your own athletic team. That's some grade-A stupidity coming out of Alabama football back in the day.
posted by rcade at 11:35 AM on March 02, 2016
What a crazy story. I have never understood the point of hazing.