"I am a 5-8, 165-pound Jewish guy from Highland Park, Ill. -- where am I going?'' Deutsch cracks. "My career is when I was 11. But this has enabled me to rekindle this passion.'' Just one of the happy campers that have tossed down $15,000 to be coached by the likes of Mike Krzyzewski and Larry Brown at Michael Jordan's Fantasy Camp.
posted by Ufez Jones to basketball at 02:28 PM - 13 comments
More (sorry, I find this semi-fascinating and it's a slow work day). Official site of the camp here including pages on the registration fees and other vital information. Of note: your $15k gets you a whopping four days and doesn't include airfare.
posted by Ufez Jones at 03:17 PM on September 03, 2003
I'd consider going to the "guy that can afford 15k a year since 1997 attending the MJ fantasy camp" fantasy camp. The Ross Deutsch fantasy camp I guess then.
posted by gspm at 03:18 PM on September 03, 2003
Similarly....Coach K Academy (pdf). It's only $7500 for four days.
posted by mbd1 at 03:55 PM on September 03, 2003
I don't get the age thing. I'd kill to go to the Coach K camp, but just because i'm 24 and have the cash doesn't mean I can go?
posted by corpse at 06:19 PM on September 03, 2003
That's a good question corpse. The youth camp is for ages 8-18 only (and you can't have graduated from High School. At about $700 it's a much better deal, but I doubt you get much time with Jordan, if any. My best guess for the adult camp is that they don't want a bunch of party-hardy young shit disturbers trying to get Jordan in trouble in Las Vegas. You know, b/c people over 35 wouldn't do that. /fellow 24 year old. If it's not that, then beats me.
posted by Ufez Jones at 06:27 PM on September 03, 2003
Two things I learned from this thread: Ufez = 24 yo corpse = 24 yo Hell, meet the handbasket
posted by vito90 at 08:30 PM on September 03, 2003
ROFL, Vito. And who else here is 42? That's right, I'm the wrong answer to the quesiton of life! Until next May, of course. Then someone else can take the blame for all this crap.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:08 PM on September 03, 2003
Life, the Universe, and Everything. What do I win for being 25?
posted by mbd1 at 11:31 PM on September 03, 2003
You win a free pass to age 33, baby!
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:24 AM on September 04, 2003
Hell, meet the handbasket Don't Panic.
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:48 AM on September 04, 2003
Just remember to bring your towel. As long as you have your towel, everything else is just gingersnaps.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:52 PM on September 04, 2003
I'm 78. LIstening to hip hop just makes me seem younger in the vaccuum of the internet. A to muthafucking K, homeboy.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 03:54 PM on September 04, 2003
One of the more interesting points for me that Fish makes is this: Just picture a baseball fantasy camp. But instead of throwing back cold beers with washed-up Yankees at a sleepy Florida spring training site, put yourself up in a suite at The Mirage. Limo service to and from the Vegas airport. The possibility of nightly trips to the casinos with M.J., at least according to promoters. This is what differentiates the MJ Camp from the MLB Fantasy camps and the NBA cruises with bench players. Well, that and maybe the cost. As an aside, would you really want to contribute to MJ's notorious potential gambling problem?