The NBPA Makes History With The Hiring Of A Female Executive Director: Receiving 32 of 36 possible votes, Michele Roberts takes over the position left vacant after Billy Hunter was fired amid accusations of shady business practices. Roberts becomes the first woman elected to lead a union representing male professional athletes.
posted by Ufez Jones to culture at 01:34 PM - 1 comment
Roberts steps into her role as NBPA executive director during a period of time where the labor peace between the NBA and NBPA is a mere facade. Some three years ago, the firm she is a partner of helped lead the NBA in collective bargaining negotiations against the NBPA.
She's switched sides?
Roberts notes that she has never worked on cases related to the NBA. Thus, for NBPA members there is arguably no legitimate concern as it relates to Roberts' representation of them and a conflict of interest with the NBA.
Ah, never mind.