SpoFi's 2014 Fantasy Baseball League is Active!: So begins my fourth year of running SpoFi's fantasy baseball league.
Invites to previous players have been sent out. If you're interested in joining, you'll need to email me so I can send you a direct invite as Yahoo! fantasy no longer provides a way to post a URL and password to let new players join a league. Same thing if you've been playing and you haven't seen the invite in your inbox.
We've got keepers this year, as was discussed in the league last season. Existing teams can pick up to three. They'll take the place of your first three draft positions, so new teams will have first pick at the free agents.
posted by ursus_comiter to fantasy at 11:22 AM - 3 comments
I'm in; guess I should have read this before asking about keepers.
posted by jjzucal at 08:55 PM on February 02, 2014
ursus, since I find myself somewhat pressed for time during the summer, I find I'm unable to competently manage a fantasy team. This is my polite way of spinning it and saying I suck at fantasy baseball, but it is true. Thus, the Bloody Sox will no longer appear in the fantasy league. If you could post periodic updates on standings, trades, etc., to the SpoFi home page so I could keep up with things, it would be appreciated.
Anyway, my best to all who compete this year.
posted by Howard_T at 02:06 PM on February 03, 2014
I'm interested in joining. Sent you an email.