Tim Hudson's Ankle Broken Covering First: Atlanta Braves pitcher Tim Hudson was stepped on by Eric Young Jr. as he covered first base Wednesday night against the New York Mets, causing a gruesome ankle injury. Speeding down the line, Young extended his foot to reach the bag and accidentally stepped on Hudson's lower leg, driving his right ankle into the ground.
That was right there with this as far as stomach turners go. Reminded me of Jason Kendall at first many years ago. A video so gruesome I cant find it on you tube to attach.
posted by Debo270 at 04:07 PM on July 25, 2013
Classy tweet exchange between Young and Hudson's wife. No, really, actually classy.
posted by Etrigan at 06:55 PM on July 25, 2013
Gruesome and unfortunate injury. Hudson's been one of my favorite pitchers for a long time - nothing flashy about his stuff, but a smart guy who knows how to locate his pitches. A true Brave pitcher.